A Quiver of Zipties

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A Quiver of Zip Ties

When I meander backstage

the scent of coffee prances out

to meet me

like the world's most invisible

welcoming committee.

Sparks announce the arrival

of a certain dinosaur-covered mug.

They jump from metal being cut

by someone whose only job

is to add to your dramatic timing.

Sometimes that dinosaur cup

sends us on jobs that I am 75% sure

are purely to give us something to do.

Sometimes I think you're secretly having us

build your dining room furniture.

But I know in reality we are at war

with the swiftly-approaching

Opening Night.

And we have the best commander

anyone could ask for;

An Archer, armed with

a quiver of zip ties,

a notepad and pencil,

and, of course,

plenty of coffee.

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