This Letter is Genuine

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This is called a Found Poem; you take words and phrases from anything from other things you've written (that's how I did this one) to a text book and mix them up until they mean something to you. It's really fun, you should all try it!!!


This Letter is Genuine

Fascinating, if a bit confusing

the stories bouncing in my head

Soul mates,

Science fiction,

Lyrical Dance,

Moon landing

Brave knights battle dragons

hidden by a bookshelf

Arduous separation

Past the bonds of time

Imagining random things

Seriousness aside

I use their eyes like security cameras

The edges of my perception

I glance into his mind

Sudden silence

Eerie connotation

Chuckles knowingly

Pale figures

Oblong, wrinkly faces

Raking the library,

Branching out.

They are aliens

reading a book,

A letter through time.

I was just going to watch,

See if they fit naturally in my mouth;



Fifty years

Raises his eyebrows quizzically;


They are seriously creepy.

He doesn't need to be a mind reader

I scream silently


Majestic aura

Echoes in my head

Orchestrating the magic

Outside the theatre

Doing an acting exercise;

Strange grin,

Shooting electricity from


I can scarcely wrap my mind around it

I really can be

A letter sent through time,

Nearly as important as you.

Your faith in me, child,

Despite the impossibility of it all;

The future will find it

Absolutely mad.

A chorus of thoughts and images.

Perhaps I'll leave it.

I can communicate with someone;

The danger of years ahead

Kill us all on sight.

I doubt I'll still be able to play


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