Considering bad acts

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Mako was getting on the car when Bolin stopped him and asked-"Hey, what's the problem? Why aren't you happy for them?"
"I really want to, but I keep thinking that they connived against me for being a jerk to them".
"That's not true, they will never do that to you, you are part of the team Avatar".
"How does that has anything to do with this?"
"Well, because we are friends, we don't keep secrets between us, neither do we harm each other".

Mako realized that what he did, was very selfish and stubborn of him to keep trying to save his relationship, when it was already dead.
"You might be right, I keep being a jerk to them, I should have let our relationship to rest in peace"-recognized Mako.
"That's my brother, and don't worry you will find someone else. Remember when you took Korra from me?".
"I thought I will never find anyone else, but look at me now, I'm with Opal!"- said Bolin to encourage his brother.
"You are right, sorry bro"- said Mako hugging Bolin.
"Oh, don't apologize to me, two girls are waiting for you on the house".
"U-um... right... I'll do it"-said Mako nervously.

Meanwhile on the bedroom....
"I think we rushed in telling them"- said Korra.
"I don't know, Bolin took it pretty well".
"Yeah but, somehow Mako was still in love with you".
"I don't think so. I mean, I thought he understood, I made it really clear to him that it was over between us"-said Asami.
"I don't know what to think. I really hope he still is our friend. Otherwise, team Avatar will fall apart"- said Korra with a sound of sadness in her voice. Some tears were running down her face .
"Oh darling, don't cry"- said Asami with her broken voice hugging Korra- "We will convince him if he is not being reasonable, after all we are his only friends".
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