Starry Night

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Asami couldn't believe her eyes when she arrived at the Spiritual world, it was so perfect, even better than what she could imagine.
"It's beautiful"- Asami said.
"I know"- said Korra, but she actually couldn't take her eyes off her friend. Her beautifully dark curly hair fall on her shoulders, those eyes full of passion.

Asami gently turned her face to see Korra, and knowing that she was staring at her, asked-" Where should we go now?"
Korra realizing that those beautiful green eyes were watching her, nervously turned her head away and let Asami's hand go while aparenting to look for a good spot to set up the tent, answered- "Um, the best place to put the tent would be near a river, but I can't see nothing, this prairie is very big".
"Look! There are some trees, and there should be a water source".
"Great Job!! I don't know why you have never been camping before, you are really good at survey concepts".
"Haha thanks"- Asami blushed-"but let's get going cuz it's getting dark".

The girls started walking to the selected spot but it was too far, and the night reached. Korra wanted to keep walking but they were just not gonna make it.

"Korra let's stop here, it's dark and I'm tired".- Asami said.
"Come on Asami, I think that if we keep this pace we are gonna make it ".
"No we are not, look the trees are really far, besides its getting cold".-Asami shivered.
"Maybe you are right and I am starving, come on I'll help you with the tent ".
" Uuh great, cuz I have no idea how to do it".- Asami sighted in relief.

When everithing was done Korra sat on the ground while Asami heated some noodles. Then she looked up to the sky and realized that it wasn't like the Material world with the regular stars, here you could see the universe, so she said-"Asami look at sky, isn't it beautiful?".
Asami who was holding the dinner sat next to Korra and while contemplating the night sky exclaimed-" Sure it is, I am so glad I can share this with you".
"Me too"- Said Korra.
Thank you for reading and please leave a comment, I would love to know what you think about it ( I don't care if it's negative) I believe that I can do it better if you don't like it and tell me how to improve.

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