Back at the girls

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When they finished eating, both girls were exhausted, but neither of them could stop staring at the sky.
Finally, Asami said-"I am really tired I will go to sleep now, are you coming?"
"Not yet, I want to figure out why Unalaq keep showing up in my head, and this sky makes me remember it".
"Don't let those bad feelings hurt you, why don't you try to rest?"- said Asami realizing that the thought was hurting Korra just like before.
"You are right, if I overthink it will be worse".

So they got into the tent and tried to sleep, but it was impossible for Korra, whose visions didn't stopped. Asami soon realized that her friend was in trouble and slightly touching Korra, said-" Hey, is it about your uncle again?".
"Yes, sorry if I waked you up, its just that I can't stop thinking about it, even knowing that I defeated him, it keeps bothering me. Is there something wrong with me?"- said Korra worried.
"Korra, don't say that"- said Asami cuddling the Avatar's cheeck -"You just need to express your feelings, otherwise you will end up hurting yourself".

When she heard this words she realized it was true, and not being able to stop crying, confessed-" A-asami I-I was so scared!".
Immediately, Asami took her in her arms and said- "I know I know, it's okay now, let it all out".
The Avatar not only realized why she was having this visions about her past enemies, but also understood that Asami was really special to her, that she liked her more than a friend. (Anyway she wasn't prepared to be with a girl, what if she didn't liked her back). Finally, Korra fall asleep in Asami's arms and was able to rest all night long. Asami, worried that if she stopped hugging her she would wake up, didn't let her go until morning.

Early in the morning, Korra was the first to be up. She was looking for the best route to arrive faster to the forest. Asami had heard her friend getting out of the tent, so did she.
"Good morning"- greeted Korra without looking at the dark haired girl, she felt awkward from what happened last night.
"Morning. So which direction are we going?"- asked Asami knowing something odd was going on between them.
"That one"- pointed Korra, still without making eye contact.
"Looks nice, but let's pick up the tent first".

Having all packed, once again they started walking towards the forest. But the situation was pretty uncomfortable until they arrived at the forest. Korra, since the walk started, had been thinking how would she tell Asami; not only that she didn't want anyone to know about what happened, but also how she feels for her.

So, before getting into the endless forest, she broke the ice saying-" U-um Asami, a-about last night...".
"Don't worry"- she interrupted-" I won't tell anybody".
"Oh, thank god. B-but also I-I want to apologize for being an idiot the hole trip"- said the Avatar avoiding her true feelings.

"I should have asked you before and it would have be...".
"Korra!"- Asami interrupted again-" It's okay, don't punish yourself that hard, I was an idiot to for not being able to say something either".
By hearing this, she felt lighter and answered-"You are right. I am glad everything is clear between us now".
"Me too, but next time we have a problem let's discuss it togher ok?"-proposed Asami.
"I agree, from now on let's stop hiding things from each other"- smiled Korra, and so did Asami.

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