The beginning of trip and something else...

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As Asami wished, the two girls where heading to the Spiritual World, but first they needed to prepare everithing they will need.
The next day after Varrick's wedding, Korra went to Asami's mansion to help her organise the needed stuff, when she entred, Asami was still checking that she wouldn't forget anything. "Are you ready?" - Korra asked. "Almost, Im not sure what to bring".
"Well, you know, the kind of things you take when you are camping". "Um...Yeah well, the truth is that i have never been camping before". "Really?! Dont worry I'll help you pack". "Thanks Korra".
However, not beeing on a camp before wasnt Asami's real problem, the thing was that she felt something for Korra, those 3 years she was away Asami felt completly lost, she wanted to tell her but what if Korra freaked out, she will loose her best friend forever, and in a completly unknown world being by herself, the simple thought caused chills on her body. That will be definitelly the end of her happiness. And she never find either the way nor the time to tell her, so she kept packing.
When everithing was ready Korra said - "Lets go first to see Lin, so that she informs everybody that we will be out for a few days, I dont want anybody to worry about us". "Thats a good idea" - Asami replied. So they went first to the Police Station, where Lin was taking a theif to his jail. "Hey Cheif, rough day?" - Korra said. "Korra, Asami, dont you see I'm busy? What do you want?"- Lin replied kind of frustrated. "Well, we are going on a vacation to the spiritual world" - Asami said. "Yes, and we were hoping that you could tell Tenzin and the guys (Mako and Bolin) that we are leaving, so they dont worry"- Korra explained. "Thank goodness is that, when you mentioned a trip I thought you wanted me to come with you"- admited Lin -" But why dont you do it yourselves?". "We dont have much time, its getting dark and we still need to pick a good place to camp"- the Avatar explained. "Ok, fine, i'll tell them". "Thank you very much Lin, you are the best!"- said Korra while hugging her. "Wow, hah, ok ok, go you are wasting time, have fun you two and be careful". "We will"- Asami said while heading out of the Police Station.

Finally they arrived to the new portal, but something was wrong, Korra noticed that something was bothering her friend, so she asked -"Whats wrong Asami? You know you can tell me anything". "Nothing, its just that Im afraid of going there, I mean what if the spirits doesnt like me, or what If i get lost or something bad happens"- Asami finally confesed, but it wasnt the truth, and Korra realized that, because she actually felt something for her. "Oh Asami, there is nothing to worry about. The Spirit World is the most peaceful place and all the spirits are very fiendly. Besides, I will be with you every moment".- Korra calmed her while grabing Asami's hand. As the Avatar did this Asami blushed and felt so protected that she didnt want this moment to end, and she said -"With you I am no longer scared". Korra smiled, and while stepping together on the portal she grabed Asami's other hand and said -" A hole new world is waiting for us".
Well I hope you enjoyed it, Im new at this so please if you have some advise it will be wellcomed. I will be writing the nex part soon.

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