Chapter Two

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The Flower

The next morning, Father's fever has dropped substantially, and his coughs have become less frequent. I can tell the illness will be gone soon, but now, he needs more medicine.

Before I can sneak out to the village, I find Father in the kitchen with his coat on.

"You cannot come, Papa," I say, swinging my cloak over my shoulders and the hood over my head. "You're too weak."

"I'm well enough. You will not go alone." He narrows his eyes slightly. "Remember what happened last time."

I want to argue, but I let it be. For my own good. But why would it matter if I was alone or not? What is he trying to save me from? The king? Why would he be in our village? Why would the villagers suspect anything after so many years of discretion? My hood protects me. I do not need my father.

Plus, Father was with me two months ago when my hood flew back. He couldn't have saved me then. Why does he think he can save me now?

Father leads me by hand to Beth's physician cottage as the sun rises. She greets and ushers us in quickly.

"Did you hear?" she asks urgently.

"No," my father says. "What's going on?"

I hear her gulp and the movement of glass bottles. "Well, Rachel from across the way just received a message from her son who lives in the village fifty miles from here. He said that Prince Atreus passed through their village last night."

My father squeezes my hand tightly. It's not a very reassuring squeeze. "What was he there for?"

"Nothing. His party was just passing through. Strange. But her son said it looked like he is headed this direction. I wouldn't know why. He must be going somewhere beyond us. Now, all of Pago is preparing for his arrival."

"How soon?"

"We don't know. The messenger came nearly an hour ago and said he had raced as fast as possible, all through the night. I would imagine the prince will arrive very soon."

I squeeze my father's hand back in excitement. A prince here, in this small village? What a treat. I might even be able to look up at the prince if I hide far enough away for my eyes not to be seen. I've found looking at other villagers for a distance away is safe and the only bit of excitement and stimulation I'm allowed to have.

My father takes the medicine from Beth quickly, thanking her. He takes my hand harshly and pulls me into the woods by the village.

"Papa, you mustn't run. You're ill—"

"Shh. There is no time." He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Look at me, Luna. Listen carefully to every word I'm about to say." His voice is terrifyingly intent, no longer the calm man I've always known. He seems...afraid.

"Yes, Papa, I'm listening."

He looks from side to side and then back at me, his dark brown eyes wide. "You must run home, Luna. Quickly. Do not go into the house, but rather the barn behind it. There's a hidden door underneath the pile of hay in the very right corner. Go under the hidden door and cover yourself with hay. I've shown you how to do it before, do you remember?" My mind whirling back many years, I nod. "Do not come out unless I come and get you. Do you understand?"

I nod again quickly, wiping the wetness at my eyes. "Papa, you're scaring me."

"Luna, this is important! Do you understand?"


He leans forward and kisses my cheek. "I love you. Now go, run as fast as you can."

He releases my shoulders, but I don't take a step. "Where will you be, Papa? Why can't you come with me?"

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