Chapter Seventeen

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The Corrupted

For so long, I've been in dark. Terrifying, horrifying, perpetual dark. The kind of darkness that robs you of your best sense and replaces your every rational thought with paralyzing fear.

Now, after so many years, I see the light. I can feel my fingers, my toes, my heart beating within my chest. I feel my lungs expanding as I suck in a deep breath. After three years, I thought I would have forgotten how to breath, how to feel my own feet on the ground underneath me.

I've survived the torture, the pain, the suffering. I've made it through with only one goal in mind and that was tomorrow. Tomorrow, I would be free.

Now, today is that tomorrow.

My mind still numb and my thoughts still jumbled, I can feel only one emotion. Relief. This relief is so constraining I have to claw at my neck for air and at my mind for closure.

They believe it was the king manipulating my mind. No, it was much worse. It was not the king. My mind has been in possession of someone else entirely, someone cruel and sinister and merciless.

But I've been saved from the brutality.

The darkness is gone. My pleads have been answered. I've been liberated from the prison of my own mind.

My name is Atreus, crown prince of Oculi, and Calluna has freed me.

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