Chapter Fifteen

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The Flower

The healer shakes my shoulder gently, whispering for me to wake. I sit up rigidly, not having to be woken. I've been awake all day.

He tells me he has to attend a patient and I nod, only half listening. When he's gone, I peel myself from the plush couch that felt like a million needles these past few hours. I pick up a magenta shirt and pair of pants from neatly folded piles and pull them on, my movements weak and lacking strength. The healer has been kind to me, hopefully he won't mind me borrowing his clothes as well.

I walk around the healer's room, which he so graciously let me rest in after I came into his room broken and tearful this morning. He didn't ask what happened. No doubt he already knew. He just fixed me and set a place on his couch for me to sleep. He did so much for me, and I never asked his name.

I walk to his sink with uneasy feet and wash my face with uneasy hands. Although he healed my cuts and patched my wounds, my hands still shake and my muscles remain sore. The cool water doesn't help the pounding in my head, nor the ache in my stomach. A tear slips down my cheek, but I claw it away, drawing blood from the flesh under my eye.

"Shut up," I yell into the room, angry yet weak. "Just shut up."

I clench my jaw closed but my chin still trembles with unshed tears. "Idiot," I whisper to myself.

I wrap my arms around my stomach, trying to hold myself together in order to leave the comfort of the room of a stranger. I can't possibly return to my room. By now, no doubt, the maids have found Theron's body.

I just need one ally, I tell myself. Just one. I need to know if I have one friend.

I find the small strength within myself to take the steps towards the training room, even though my legs gain ten more pounds each step, my body weighing down on itself.

The training room is abuzz with energy as I walk in, usual drills and a battle taking place among the others. It's nearly time for training to be over. The energy slowly sinks farther and farther into silence as they each notice me.

Nico's closest. "You look like shit, Luna. What happened?" He reaches gingerly for my shoulder, maybe even to pull me into a hug, but I step away. His hand retreats and his eyes shine with worry.

I close my eyes and try to breathe, but each breath comes out shakier. How can I tell them what happened? How can I even start?

"Yes, Luna dear. Why don't you tell us all what's happened?" Briar's words are clip with her familiar sarcasm and superiority. However, her steps are angry, her tone sour. She fixes me with a sharp glare. She must have just walked in if she knows. "Why don't you shed some light for all of us? Because I just received some very surprising news. I'm sure you already know, don't you, Luna?"

The back of my eyelids fill with heat, and I blink quickly to keep the moisture away. No words can even form in my mouth.

"Tell us, Briar," Desta warns, coming closer to me, seeing my distress.

Briar smiles at me, but she's not happy. "Your wedding date has been announced, purple eyes."

When she doesn't elaborate, Nico asks, "When?"

Briar's sharp golden eyes are still set on me. "In two days."

I bite my lip until I taste blood. Tears come quickly. Her footsteps come closer and closer until I feel her hand on my shoulder, squeezing hard enough to bruise. I feel my world slipping and I'm falling with it.

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