Chapter Twelve

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The Flower

My power has grown more and more over the past three weeks. My aim becomes nearly seamless, my skills with a sword improving dramatically, even my confidence in my abilities has progressed. Every day, it's a task of nursing the skills I already have. Force field making, sword throwing, strength training, fighting in a battle. For some reason, the structure in training has begun to bore me, so this morning I had asked Instructor what else I can do. I shouldn't have.

The golden triplets stand in front of me in the arena, all of them wearing matching grins. Their eyes are hungry for a fight. The three of them together are ruthless, blood-lusting beasts.

Theron and Desta, mercifully, were both chosen to be my partners in this battle. Theron, at least, I know is trustworthy. I know he's powerful. For the past three weeks, he has snuck into my room nearly every other night to further the strength of my mind. "The stronger your mind, the harder to manipulate," he always says.

Theron takes my shoulders now and shakes me free of the fear that's most definitely displayed on my face. "They're powerful, Luna. But so are we. We can beat them. We have the advantage with our wide variety of powers. All they have is the ability to shift into different animals. If we're strong, we can win." I try to take some of his confidence for myself. I don't feel any difference. I haven't even seen the triplets in a battle. Not all together. "They can see your fear clear as day, Luna," he whispers. "They love it."

I nod nervously and he winks at me before turning to Instructor, nodding that we're ready. The force field surrounds us with an audible whoosh and my heart sinks with it. Immediately, the triplets shimmer in unison, emerging with fangs and claws and tan flesh.

Briar, or the new shapeshifted lioness version of Briar, creeps towards me confidently, each paw against the ground more and more imitating. My heart rate speeds beyond words at the approach of the three lions, each one's golden eyes shining as they lick their lips.

I hold the sword in front of me solidly, even though I know I don't want to use it. I don't want to injure them, it's only a practice battle, but by the way, their new lion bodies approach, I can tell they don't see this as practice. They see this as a battle.

Finally, Brennon, the larger of the boys, jumps forward and Theron defends, using his power of object manipulation to lift several knives from the rack and fling them in the lion's direction. Lion Brennon dodges each with ease, with grace, as if he could do it in his sleep. Desta—the strength manipulator—springs into action, taking the entirety of the beast in her strong arms and throwing him back.

That makes all three of them incredibly angry and they all leap onto us at the same time. Bryant, his face now feline and adorned with mane, jumps on me so fast I can't even make a force field. Even as a beast, I can hear his laugh as he tears the flesh of my upper arm clean off with his monstrous teeth.

I clench my teeth to keep from screaming and giving him that satisfaction. Instead, I drive the sword into what I think is his stomach, but only hits the very side of his leg.

Blood now gushes on the floor, on the lions' teeth. The skin on my arm regenerates quickly, but still leaves the ghost of pain, and of anger. Using my ability to manipulate metal, I lift several large metal medicine balls and throw them one by one at lion Bryant's head. The first two miss, but the third one connects. Similarly, it only makes him angrier and he rushes at me.

I raise myself into the air, his monstrous teeth barely missing my toes. Breathing heavy, I watch Theron lift object after object, blade after blade, each trying and failing to connect with lioness Briar. One hits but seems to have no effect on her. She lets out a roar that sounds scarily similar to a laugh. Desta and Theron are both backing farther and farther away as each lion approaches. We're going to lose. We're going to lose! What advantage was Theron talking about?

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