Chapter Sixteen

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The Flower

The fabric is rough on my skin, but I can't deny it's beautiful. The women's hands are delicate as they paint markings on my face I do not know nor understand. The fabric of the dress they made for me is starched and itchy but moves fluidly with my body, as if it's only an extension. The sleeves are long and hang nearly to the floor, the skirt is thick with little flower details snaking up and around my chest. It truly is lovely. I don't know if any colored-eye could have as much talent as these brown-eyed women do for making dresses.

I suck in a breath as I look at myself in the mirror. No longer do I look like the straggly girl I was in the village, nor do I look like the confused, pathetic trainee. My body is more poised, elegant in a sort of way. I know my mission tonight.

The king arrived this morning, two days after Atreus. He stopped by the western military base, which caused a short delay. Tonight, the court is throwing him and Atreus a welcome back party. Tomorrow, the court will be attending my wedding.

But not if I can help it. Tonight is the night to act.

The maids finish and curtsy to me, as if I deserve it. As if I am not the same as them. A servant. A slave to the crown. Even with different colored eyes we are one and the same.

The ballroom is full of members of the Oculian royal court when I reach it. I immediately notice the sentries lined around the outer walls, their eyes alert. None are stationed directly beside the king's throne, which fills me with a spark of hope.

That is what Heather told us last night. She knows the sentries' rotations, she knows who will be attending this party, what weapons will be present, who to trust. She told us the plan last night, step by step, every minor inconvenience planned out. I wish I could trust her.

I walk into the ballroom and follow suit by standing in line to pay respects to the king and prince. Both of them and Queen Adara sit atop the royal dais, each on a monstrous throne. Their height intimidates me, makes me rethink every step of the plan. Three of the most powerful colored-eyes, and they are already at an advantage. I wonder if the queen will fight when we try to approach the king. I wonder if she knows her son's mind has been taken captive.

I try to spot the team but can only find Talia, who is standing beside Atreus, leaning into him, smiling at him. His arm is wrapped possessively around her waist, her mouth only an inch away from his.

I try to keep my breathing even. It's part of the plan. All part of the plan. Keep the two men's spirits alive tonight, make them believe there is no reason to worry. Talia is only doing her job.

Atreus turns his head slightly and catches me staring. I try to look away, but not quick enough to avoid seeing the wicked smirk that grows across his face. I hear his footsteps, each one down the steps of the dais and towards me.

"My dear! You look absolutely delectable tonight." He wraps both of his gigantic arms around me and plants a wet, disgusting kiss against my mouth. I try not to gag.

His face is painted, same as mine, except with white paint instead of purple. He wears a white military vest. Atop his head lays a crown, its points so sharp I'm afraid they'll cut me if I get too close.

He shoves me forward in line, walking straight to the king. Atreus releases me only enough for me to curtsy. The queen is seated on the left of the king, her eyes downcast, seeming to be concentrating on something. Her appearance has its normal intimidation, but her eyes are soft.

King Osiris looks me up and down, drinking me in. I remain standing helplessly. He bites his lip and leans forward in his chair. I visibly cringe. "Oh, Atreus," he purrs. "Dear me, she is quite something, isn't she? I might have to steal her from you when you're finished."

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