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[I swear everyone in this AU is insane lmfao- Okay hi guys - enjoy! (or not)]

Virtue - Italic + ""

Exposure - Bold + "" + 'Gl1cHyn3s5'

Complex - Underlined + ""

["Please, Dye, don't do this... I know you don't mean to do it... but PLEASE!"]

[Virtue's POV]

It's been five days since Amity was here.

I keep having panic attacks and I can't see anything for some reason... It's like my body has decided there's nothing good enough to see because Amity isn't here.


I can't do this...

I've been having terrible nightmares too...

I can see him there as well... stalking them... pleased.

How the tables have turned 'brother'...

Everytime I go to sleep I'm scared because I might have another nightmare. They're always so... vivid... it's like they're real.

Amity is probably with a friend right now... if only I had my hourglass on me... too bad Exposure broke it. He's not the worst though... he's nearly as cute as Amity is when he blushes.

Amity was made 'cute' though... he was literally designed to lure you in... to make it easier to trust him so you could easily make peace with him. His whole purpose revolves around the fact that he's innocent so therefore you should respect it.

Sometimes it doesn't go as planned.

Sometimes people get the wrong idea.

Sometimes people want to take away that innocence.

It sounds so wrong but it's true.

It's the reason I've never let Amity fight our enemies, because I got the wrong idea, and now I don't want to let go of him. It makes me want to hurt myself because I know I promised to keep him safe, yet I was never able too!


I can't live without him.

I need him with me... his aura is so... alluring... no. No Virtue... that's not... no.

I think I know why people have such disgusting feelings and thoughts around me and my aura... it's just that Amity's seems so much better.


"Uh-H v1r-V1RTu3?"

It's Exposure. He can't see me like this... No.. no.. no.. no.

This isn't how it's supposed to go... I can't do this.

"0h g()D j3sUs chr1St V1rTu3!"

Someone starts running towards us; I'm guessing it's Complex... They're coming in... they're going to judge me... don't let them in... don't let them do it. I quickly slam the door and lock it so they can't judge me any further.


Gloom, Gloom, Gloom, Gloom.

He is watching my nightmares... he's in them!

"Virtue, let us in there! You're gonna hurt yourself worse than last time if you did this!"

"V-V-V-V1RtuE, H4-a-4rm1-iNg y0URs3lF w1Ll nOt Mak3 Am1Ty H@PPY."

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