Scared Clay

309 10 11

Kevin's Heart❣️

Hey lol
Im sowwy for not updating for like...HOLY FUCK 2 MONTHS?? HELL
But hey

"Alright you all Can go home now, I hope you ALL learned your lesson." Coach Willis releases us a little bit earlier since we had good behavior which I was happy about. I stand up watching the boys also get up and grabbing their bags.
"So guess I'll have to explain to your mom what happened?" Clay chuckles awkwardly coming up to me.
"Of course Dreamy." I giggle at the cute nickname and he rolls his eyes as we walk out of the classroom seeing only a couple of students still here, possibly from clubs.

"Is she gonna beat me?" Clay looks at me with a scared look on his face, his hands in his pockets.
"Hmm..." I put my finger up to my chin as if I was thinking, watching as his face turned white. I look at him and start laughing.
"IS SHE??" He covers his face with his hands.

"No Clay you'll be fine, she likes you too much." I smile at him and he sends me one back, if he really was this worried about my mom he would definitely be scared of my family in general- wait! What am I talking about, it's not like we're dating and he HAS to meet them....(I meannnnnnn)

  We step outside and see that it's sprinkling a bit, why is it raining?
"Ah yes hurricane season, gotta love it." Clay says and I look at him with wide eyes.
  "eXcUsE mE?"
"Its hurricane season? It lasts from like June to November, you didn't know?" (This is painfully true Ayo Florida🤪 gotta love it here)

  "I can't believe we moved here, there's stupid gators that are basically dinosaurs, it's hot and now you're telling me there could be hurricanes??" I shake my head crossing my arms getting a little cold from the rain.

Clay pouts and puts his pointer fingers together.
"B-but Georgie y-you *aggressive sniff* wouldn't have m-met me?" He talks in a baby voice which was very cute but-
  "Whatever Clay." I laugh as we reach our street, I see my moms car there and I see Clays face get a worried look on it.

  "Why are you so scared?" I question and he looks down at me, shrugging his shoulders while starting to kick a rock he found.
"Well I just really like you, I don't want her to make us stop hanging out cause I'm a bad influence or anything." He says softly, I grab his hand rubbing it with my thumb as I look up at him.

  "She won't I promise, and even if she did I would still hang out with you." I realized how nice his hands were (stfu you simps) they were big,veiny and tan wonder what they would like around my-
"Okay I believe you." He says with a small sigh as we get to my door, I open it walking inside leading Clay in seeing my mom sitting at the table.

She quickly stands up and comes up to us, putting her hands on her hips I could tell she was pissed.
"GEORGE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! Also hello Clay, you're looking sick are you okay?"
"Oh u-um yes ma'am I'm o-okay." He says nervously looking at both of us.
  "Clay care to explain what happened?" I say to him.

"Oh my goodness...did you two have sex? We're you at least protected? Aw George your first time how was it?"
  "MOM NO WE DIDNT HAVE SEX!" I cover my face as we go sit down at the table.
"Ohh okay, well WHAT HAPPENED THEN?" She yells again.
Clay sighs and starts to explain everything that happened, the fight, what I did, everything.

I see her face turn very soft as she looks at both of us, she smiles at Clay with some type of pain in her eyes.
"I see... I'm sorry for overreacting George but I was very worried."
"It's okay Mom, I know you meant well."
"Clay, thank you so much for protecting my baby, I owe you." She smiles resting her hand on his.

  "Of course, George told me about what happened before so when Brad did that to George I just...I don't know..." He looks down at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with either me or my mom.
"Well you did the right thing, and you make sure you tell your parents what you did, I'll even root for you." She smiles at him earning a small chuckle for him.

"Thank you ma'am, well I should get going they're probably wondering where I'm at so." He stands up grabbing his backpack and one strapping it (Not to get political or anything but...
if you don't one strap your backpack you're not cool enough that's all I'm saying-)

"Okay Clay." She stands up giving him a big mom hug I stand up also.
"See you tomorrow Dreamy." I giggle as he pulls me into a hug I wasn't expecting.
"Bye George." He walks out the door sending me a smile before closing it. I sit back down at the table my mom looking at me with a smirk on her face.
  "What??" I say trying not to giggle.
"You both are so dense." She says taking a sip of her coffee, shaking her head.

  "What? Mom that's messed up." I cross my arms and lean back.
"Oh my gosh he likes you George! Why else would he protect you?"
  "Cause we're friends Mom."
"I see the way you look at him." I blush at her comment and I stand up.

  "I do like him...but I don't know if he feels the same, so I'm gonna wait a bit. Does that make you happy?"
"Very." She smiles waving me off as I go upstairs to my room, tossing my bag on the floor and hopping onto my bed. I grab some headphones starting to shuffle my music before I fall soundlessly asleep.

1120 words yeee
I made this shit up on the spot so I would like a reward- jk lol anyways
You're cute🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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