First Day

429 14 5

Fuck You🖕🏼
BLIND.SEE, Rontae Don't Play

This super long btw 😂
No ones Pov specifically just based around George.
Not proofread none are :-)

George's Thoughts
Clays Thoughts
Ya feel?

*bEeP BeEp beep BEEP*
Today was the first day of school and even though George was pretty excited, he still hated getting up early.
He reaches over and turns his alarm off, taking the blanket off of him and sitting up in his bed.
At least I won't be lonely.
George smiled at the thought of Clay and soon he was up and getting ready for school. He goes to the bathroom and brushes his teeth, washes his face and tries to comb his messy dark brown hair.
After he goes over to his closet and picks out a dark blue hoodie, black skinny jeans and some low top black vans (idk his style other than hoodies and shirts so don't judge me).
Hm not bad.
He looks at himself in the mirror and grabs his backpack, slipping his phone into his pocket he goes down stairs to his mom cooking some breakfast.
Mom: "Morning Georgie."
George: "Morning Mom, you don't work?"
Mom: "Not this early honey, do you need me to drop you off at school?"
George: "Oh no it's okay mom I'm walking with Clay."
She smirks and looks over at George.
Mom: "Mm okay."
Suddenly the doorbell rings and his mom goes over to it. She opens the door and there stands a tall boy with blonde hair.
Clay: "Oh um hi I'm Clay your neighbor." Woah he looked like his mom.  Clay extends his hand out to George's mom and she shakes it.
Mom: "Oh your the boy George has been talking about."
George: "MOM!"
Aw he talks about me.

Clay chuckles and looks over a George giving him a small smile.
Mom: "Why don't you come in and have some breakfast? You boys still have an hour."
Clay: "Sure thank you Ms."
Clay walks into the house and looks over at George who was a blushing mess.
Mom: "Food will be done in a bit boys. Oh Clay are you allergic to anything?"
Clay: "Oh no ma'am I'm not."
Mom: "Ooh so respectful. Hey George he's a keeper!"
George: "Oh my god mom! We're going to my room now!"
He doesn't deny it hm.
She laughs and Clay follows George to his room.
God my mom is so UH I love her but my goodness she's so much.
Clay: "Your moms funny. And you look just like her."
George: "I get that a lot."
He laughs and him and Clay sit down on his bed.
Clay: "Woah this is really clean."
George: "I start cleaning aimlessly I would even do it at random places."
Clay: "Your weird Soft Boy."
In a cute way though of course.
George rolls his eyes playfully and gives the blonde a smile. He then notices that the Clay is wearing some sort of sports hoodie.
George: "Whats with the hoodie?"
Clay looks down and smiles.
Clay: "Oh this is my soccer hoodie from last year."
George: "You play soccer?"
Clay: "Hell yea! I've been playing since I was 6! I love it, there's tryouts Thursday though and I can't wait! You play any sports?"
That was so cute.
George: "Oh um.. I did at my old school you would make fun of me though..."
Clay: "Aw come on Georgie tell me pleassssssse." He sticks his lip out and pouts like a little kid.
God I can't resist that face.
George: "I played volleyball for a couple of years, that was one of the reasons I was upset about moving, a lot of schools don't have volleyball for boys."
Huh volleyball? Wonder how his ass would look in the shorts...wait EW! Clay really you perv? Could've said you wonder how cute he looks in the uniform but nO hIs aSs!...Dummy.
Clay: "Really volleyball? That takes some balls George, literally throwing yourself on the ground to get the ball. I could never and guess what?"
George: "What?"
Clay: "We have volleyball for boys. Tryouts I think are Wednesday so you could definitely do that."
Oh my gosh!
I'm so excited!
George: "WHAT?!"
Clay laughs at the excited boy and nods his head.
Clay: "Who knew you could be so loud?"
Aw he's so excited.
George: "Ah shut up Clay!"
Clay: "Shut up Clay." He says mimicking George's accent.
George: "You suck."
Clay: "You swallow."
George laughs loudly at the boys response and quickly puts his hand over his mouth.
Until suddenly Clay laughs too but he starts wheezing like a tea kettle.
Clay: "G- *wheeze* oh m- *wheeze* my god!"
Gah! I hate my laugh and hear I am wheezing like an asthmatic dog.
George couldn't contain himself he started laughing and was holding his stomach from pain.
George: "You sound like a tea kettle!"
Clay tries to cover his mouth with his hand but it was no use he was wheezing very loudly at this point and George couldn't help but laugh at the tall boy.
A few seconds pass by and they both had calmed down and would every now and then just giggle at each other.
Clay: "I'm sorry I hate my laugh."
George: "Oh my gosh why? That was the hardest I've laughed in a while. Plus it was kinda cute." He said the last part quietly but Clay still heard him.
He looked over at him and gave him a smirk.
George: "Stop itttt!"
Clay: "Oh excuse meeee your the on calling me cute! Take me out to dinner first."
Seriously though.
George: "Whatever Dreamy Boy."
Mom: "Boys breakfast is ready!"
Clay: "What'd she make?"
George: "I think breakfast sandwiches eggs, bacon, sausage and hash browns."
Clay: "That sounds amazing."
George: "Come on." George grabs his hand innocently and they both go downstairs to see two plates with food on the table.
They both sit down across from each other and dig in.
Mom: "So Clay?"
Clay: "Yes ma'am?"
George's mom looks at George and smirks then looks back to Clay.
Mom: "What are your intentions with my baby George?"
He cute or whateva
Clay: "Your son is just really fun to be around and I'm very fond of him...he's cute too."
George's face turned a bright red as his mom and Clay both looked at him and giggles.
He blushes so much... what a cutie.
Clay and George's mom continue talking about some random stuff still eating their food.
Mom: "Okay well you boys go ahead and head out, have fun love you Georgie." She kisses George on the forehead and gives Clay a hug, then feeling his arms.
Mom: "Oh my your fit, George come feel his arms."
He takes Clays hand and he hurries outside.
Clay: "Bye Ms!
They get outside and start walking to school George still holding Clays hand without realizing.
God she can see right through me.
Clay: "So um George?"
George: "Hm?"
Clay looks down at their hands still together and smiles at George who looks down and quickly let's go, blush creeping up onto his face.
George: "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Clay, that was embarrassing."
Clay: "Aw your okay I get it im so hot you wanna hold my hand." He says flipping his imaginary long hair over his shoulder.
Could he read my mind? I haven't even known him for a week yet I felt attached, he was so nice to me the very first day I got here, he's funny, he's VERY attractive...I don't know what it is.
George: "Shut up you skyscraper."
Clay laughs at George's remark and he looks down at the smaller boy smiling a bit.
So spunky.
George: "So you have any friends I'm meeting orrrr."
Clay: "Yea a couple. Some of them even play volleyball so you could have fun with that."
George: "Oh cool. Yea I don't wanna be a loner or anything."
Clay: "Your not George! Your with the most popular kid in school right now."
George: "I'm not surprised."
Dang Soft Boy...
Clay: "I'm just playing haha."
George: "Yea sureeee, you look like a model so I'm pretty sure girls are all over you and boys are probably jealous of that. Plus you play soccer and your really funny and nice."
Clay: "You think I look like a model?"
Hmmmmm iNtErEsTiNg
George: "I- I uh I m-mean y-your really a-attractive s-so." George looked at the ground his face was super heated and he didn't want Clay to see.
Clay: "Could say the same for you Georgie."
George: "Stop it Clay." He giggles which caused Clay to smile.
Clay: "I think your gonna like my friends George don't worry about anything."
Guess I'll have to trust him.
George: "Okay Clay."
Clay: "Oh we're here."
He looks up and sees the big brick building with a tall flag pole that has a Red and Black wolf on it.
George: "Wolves? Red and Black?"
Clay: "Yup."
George: "Cool."
Some cool colors.
George looks a sees a boy with brown hair and a smile that could light up a room.
Clay: "HEY NICK! Come on George I'll introduce you."
Before he could say anything Clay had him by the hand taking him over to the boy.
Nick: "Hey dude, oOh who's this?" He says smirking at Clay.
Clay: "Haha very funny this is my new neighbor George, he's really cool."
Nick: "Oh cool hi George I'm Nick." He says taking a bow.
George giggles a bit and extends his hand out to the boy which he gladly takes.
Clay: "Where's everyone else?"
Nick: "They're already in the cafeteria, they wanted me to come find you."
Clay: "Oh ok, well let's go. George I'll introduce you to everyone when we get there, they're all pretty loud so don't get worried they don't bite."
Nick: "Some of us at least."
George laughed at Nicks comment and they smiled at each other heading to the cafeteria.
He's funny.
As they walk George notices a lot of people looking at Clay and Nick, mostly girls were looking at them but neither of them paid any attention, and he couldn't help but feel a ting of jealously.
They continue walking until they get to the loud and messy room filled with students.
"CLAY NICK! WHOS THAT CUTIE WITH YOU GUYS?!" Someone says in a British accent.
George's face turns a very bright red that cause both Clay and Nick to laugh looking at him.
The boy who said it came up to them, he was tall, with wavy brown hair.
Clay: "Hey Eret."
Eret: "Hi Clay, Hi Nick. Who's this?" He winks at George and looks back and Clay.
Clay: "This is my new neighbor George, he's really cool."
Eret: "Hi George, sorry if I scared you."
George: "Your okay."
Eret: "Aw your so cute, the accent makes it better."
Clay: "Erets Bi so expect him to hit on you a lot he does it to all of us just joking around though."
George: "Haha ok." George smiles.
Clay: "So the boy with glasses is Darryl but we call him Bad, Next to him is Skeppy, the two children running around are Tommy the blonde and Tubbo the brown haired boy, Fundy is sitting down with a book, Dave has the red shirt we call him Techno, the really tall boy with fluffy hair is Wilbur, and the one girl is Niki."
George: "Oh I'm not popular." George says in a mocking tone.
Clay: "I'm not! It's just us this is our friend group it's not like we know everyone, just everyone knows us."
George: "Mm."
Clay: "Yea Wilbur and Niki are kinda thing (UwU), Bad and Skeppy are sometimes naughty with each other." He laughs and they start to head over to the table Nick and Eret behind them talking.
Bad: "HI Clay! Aww who's the cute little muffin?"
George: "Why does everyone keep calling me cute?" George laughing says, his face red and flustered.
Clay: "Cause you are duh." Clay hits George's hip with his.
He really knows how to make the butterflies in my stomach go brrrr(:3)
Bad: "Aw don't get flustered George we don't mean it in a bad way. I'm bad by the way haha."
George: "Haha hi Bad."
Clay: "SoftBoy let me see your schedule to see what classes we have?"
Eret: "oOoH SoftBoy? Look at Clay go!"
If only they knew.
George's face turns red and he quickly looks down playing with his hands trying not seem weird.
Clay: "Oh we have Art 3rd Period, Gym 4th and Science 7th that's cool."
George: "Oh I love art!" George happily smiled and looked at Clay.
My heart went oOps
Clay: "Really? That's cool."
George nods his head as Clay hands him back his schedule. At that moment the bell rings signaling everyone to go to class.
The whole group spreads out going to their separate classes leaving George and Clay by themselves starting to get up.
Clay: "Do you need me to walk you to class Georgie?"
It would be nice...
George: "Oh um you don't have too Clay, you've already been SUPER helpful every since I even got into town." Clay pulls the smaller boy into a side hugging looking down at him.
Clay: "It's because we're FRIENDS George okay? Do you need me to walk you?"
Please say yes SoftBoy
George: "You seem like you want to so sure Clay." He smirks at the dirty blonde haired boy.
Clay: "Come on."
Then continue to walk throw the halls seeing students pass by going into multiple rooms.
Clay: "Okay here we are, I'll come get you after my class is only a couple doors down, and you have a locker next to Nick, and Bad so it won't be awkward, okay?"
George: "Yup got it thanks Dreamy."
Ahhhh butterflies go whoosh!
Dream blush's at the name and quickly looks the other way, George noticing.
George: "Aw did I make you blush Clay?" He giggles poking the tall boy in the cheek.
Clay: "Yea yea Whatever see ya later."
He walks away backwards from the boy giving him a toothy causing George to laugh.
Okay just walk in you'll be okay.
He takes a deep breath and walks in quickly looking for any familiar faces, after scanning the room a girls hand goes up.
"George right? Come on over!"
He looks at the girl it was Niki, Eret and Bad sitting at a table with 4 chairs 3 of which were filled.
He smiles and walks over to them setting his backpack on the floor and sitting to the empty seat next to Eret.
Bad: "GEORGE!" He says excitedly hugging George from across the table quite tightly which he returns.
George: "Wow your very touchy." George laughs and Bad looks taken aback.
Bad: "O-oh yea sorry about that I like hugs." He plays with his hands looking down.
George: "Oh no no your fine I was just surprised you can hug me anytime." He smiles at the boy in glasses and he returns it.
Bad: "YAY!"
Niki: "Hi I don't think we properly met I'm Niki." She extends her hand and George gladly takes it.
George: "Nice to meet you Niki."
They give each other smiles.
The teacher then says that today they will just be doing some reading in their book the whole time earning groans from the whole class.
Every once in a while you heard a sniffle or clearing of the throat until Eret interrupted the silence.
What the hell?
Laughter erupted in the class as the teacher looked up rolling her eyes not giving much attention to the situation.
George: "Eret oh my god what the hell?!" George scream whispered to the boy next to him.
Bad: "Watch you language George."
Niki: "Don't mind him George he doesn't like cursing in any way."
George giggles getting Erets attention.
Eret: "You giggling is really cute you know?" He whispers to him causing George to blush a bit and look at him.
George: "Whatever dog hair." He says
Eret puts his hand to his chest as if he'd been shot and throws his head back dramatically.
Eret: "aGh mY hEaRt! I can't believe you just insulted my beautiful locks." George giggles and pushes him playfully.
George: "I wasn't making fun of them I was just saying it's like dog hair. It's messy but cute and looks soft." He says matter of factly. (George for real a bad bitch in this story damn 🤭)
Eret: "Ooh so now you flirting with me shorty?" (Shorty or shortie...) Eret gets close to the boys face and gives him a smirk.
George feels his face heat up and he turns back down to his book, hearing Eret laugh while Bad and Niki were talking about who knows what.
Jesus Christ.
This was gonna be a long and weird first day...

This shit was long as hell cause I overwrote it soooo yea XD
2870 words wOaH oH yEa wOo
I really like how this book is going tbh!
oH aLsO my schedule is staying the same but if I have a part ready it will get posted 🤪 cause I had this in my drafts for like 2 days waiting until the day I had to post it but yeah
Peace Out🖤👻

SoftBoy & DreamyBoy: A Dreamnotfound StoryWhere stories live. Discover now