Sleepy Boy

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White Tee🤍

Georges Thoughts
Clays Thoughts

Clay wakes up to the sunlight beaming in on him, his eyes flutter open as he pulls the cover over his head with a loud sigh.
So fucking tired.
He groans and gets up going to the bathroom, trying not to fall asleep while peeing(oOp) and brushing his teeth.
He opens his closet and pulls out some gray sweatpants (👀) and a plain black shirt. Grabbing socks from his drawer he somehow puts them on and slips on his White air forces on( I feel like he's an Air Force guy😂).
I'm so fucking tired.
He looked at his phone and read the time 6:30 they still had 45 minutes. Grabbing his backpack and tossing it over one his shoulders (Kool Kid😎). Walking downstairs he grabs a pop tart opening the loud packet and starting to eat it.
He walks to George's house and knocks on the door.
Hm no answer... maybe I should text him?
DreamyBoy🥰: Um hey I'm outside.
SoftBoy🤍: Oh okay give me a minute.

He smiles and puts his phone down waiting until the boy came outside, it didn't take long maybe a minute he came outside wearing blue light wash jeans with smalls rips in them, white converse and a gray oversized sweater.
Aw he looks so cuddly and cute.
(My ship🥺🤭)
George: "Hi Dreamy." He says smiling brightly.
What's up with him?
Clay: "Hey, you good you seem extra happy today." Clay says tiredly laughing.
George: "Yup! My moms just on a business trip she won't be home for about a week so I have the house all to myself!" He smiles at Clay not knowing what he was thinking.
All by himself ;)
Clay: "Is that a good thing? You get to Jack off without having the fear of getting caught or something?" He laughs and George's face turns a dark red.
George: "Haha very mature Clay, and no I just like to be home alone, I'll have nothing to do I can blast music eat whatever I want in my room. It's freedom." He looks up at the tall tired boy and his face turned into a frown.
Clay: "Hey don't make that face you were just happy. Jeez you a woman or something? (If your offended by that joke then too bad I got offensive humor take it or leave it🙃)
George: "No I'm a boy I'm pretty sure." He rolls his eyes and giggles a bit causing Clays insides to do bisexual cartwheels.(Haha I get Pan cartwheels👀)
Clay: "You gonna let me find out?" He hits George's hip with his needing to bend down to the short boy a bit.
George: "Whatever Clay, but you seem tired are you okay?"
Clay: "I'm okay...just didn't get enough sleep.
Yea your stuck in my mind so...
George: "Aw why so?" He pokes the sleep boys head trying to get his attention.
Clay: "Er I don't know." Clay says awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
George: "Make sure you get some tonight since your soccer tryouts are coming up." He says sternly.
Clay: "Okay mom." He rolls his eyes at the boy and smiles at him.
  George: "Excuse me that's Daddy to you."
Oh my...
Clays face turns red as his kind wraps around what the brunette had just said.
Clay: "U-Uh w-what? I-I George?"
  George: "I'm just joking you idiot." He laughs at Clay whose face was still red and flushed.
Clay: "Uhuh "joking" sureee cutie." He smirks at the boy, well attempting to.
  George: "Your so tired you can't even make simple facial expressions you gay boy."
Clay: "Ouch George! Plus your the gay one I'm Bi so suck my penis." He made a motion as if he was humping something and he giggled.
  George: "Jeez your so bad."

*15 minutes later*
George and Clay had arrived at the school and were now in the cafeteria chatting with everyone around the table.
  Clay was even more tired his energy being drained more and more, he had his head in his hand attempting to stay up.
  George leaned over to the boy and snapped his fingers to get his attention.
Clay: "Hmm?" He looks at George who tapped his shoulder signaling Clay to lay on him.
Clay: "No I don't wanna make you uncomfortable." He shakes his head while speaking.
  George: "Clay come on it's more comfortable and I don't need you falling asleep on me today." He pouts and Clay looks at his lips.
Clay: "Okay." He smiles and rests his head on the George's shoulder and wraps his long arms around his waist, as George puts his arm around his shoulders.
  Niki: "AW YOU GUYS ARE SOOO CUTE!" She says very loudly causing everyone at the table to look, and "oOhs" and "Aws" and "SIMPS" coming from all of them.
Clay flicks all of them off causing everyone to laugh and he wraps his arms tighter around the small boy.
George: "He's tired guys I'm just being nice."
   Nick: "SiMp!" Nick says putting his hands around his mouth.
George: "Whatever Nick." He laughs and rolls his eyes as he looks down at Clay who's eyes were half lidded.
  Clay: "George." He whispered.
George: "Hm?"
  Clay: "You smell good." He nuzzled his head more into George's shoulder causing butterflies to erupt in his stomach.
George: "Weirdo." He starts to play with the boys soft dirty blonde hair, running his hands slowly through it.
Clay: "Georgeeeeeeyyyy"
Everyone at the table oohed from the nickname causing George to turn a brisk pink color.
George: "What Clay?" He says leaning down towards the boy.
Clay: "Um you- uh er I- I'm tired." The boy says mumbling squeezing George tighter.
George: "Go to sleep we still have 30 minutes okay?" He didn't mind being squeezed by this boy that had somehow swept him off his feet the first day they met.
Clay: "Okay night night."
George: "Night night Clay."
  Once Clay falls soundlessly asleep on George's shoulder, everyone at the table calmed their conversations down. Nick came up to George sitting next to him and looking at him and Clay.
Nick: "You like him? Don't you?" He smirked at George, watching his pale (but beautiful) face heat up.
  George: "W-what?"
Nick: "Youu like him. Your secrets safe with me." Nick giggled a bit and looked at George.
  George: "I-I um."
Nick: "Oh shit you dooo." He covered his mouth laughter coming from it.
  George: "I- he's really cute, and funny and really nice but I- I don't know.. shut up Nick." He covered his face with his gray sleeves and Nick pulled them away.
Nick: "I'm just teasing but if you ever do, I'll be your wingman, okay?" He gave the brunette a soft smile and George nodded an okay.
Little did he know Clay was still halfway away, he smiled to himself knowing that he did have somewhat of a chance with the cute boy.
Fucking pog bro.
  Clay accidentally squeezed George tighter and George looked at him along with Nick.
Nick: "Oh fuck."
  George: "oH mY gOd iS hE AwAkE? WhAT iF hE hEaRD mE?"
Nick: "Meh you'll be okay, I hope you know he's Bi though..."
George: "Yeah I do know, I saw the flag when we went to his house so."
Nick: "Welp if he did hear you..." He winked at George and got up to talk to Wilbur.
George: "YOU BITCH!" He screamed at Nick causing them and everyone to laugh.

Then the bell rings

1300 WORDS pOg🍑
My dick hurts

SoftBoy & DreamyBoy: A Dreamnotfound StoryWhere stories live. Discover now