Sonic vs Robotnik

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Maddie- Tom, Y/N

They looked over to see Sonic's lifeless body laying on the ground

Y/N- Sonic... *sobs*

It hurt Tom to see Sonic in this state but what hurt more is seeing how it affected his daughter, he could tell that she truly cared about him

Robotnik- I don't mean to be indelicate here but someone should get some ice, keep the body fresh. He's just a silly little alien, he didn't belong here

Y/N- just stop! You wouldn't know what it's like because you don't have any friends!

Tom- that little alien knew more about human then you ever will. His name was Sonic, this was his home....and he was my friend

Sonic's body suddenly glowed with blue electricity sparking widely all around him

Tom- he's all yours

Everyone clears out the streets as Sonic prepares to finish Robotnik once and for all

Sonic- I think you have something that belongs to me

He clenches a fist and sends blue electricity at Robotnik's ship, absorbing the power coming from his quill

Sonic- this is my power and I'm not using it to run away anymore. I'm using it to Protect. My. Friends

Robotnik aims his weapons at Sonic as he gets into a running position. Tons of rockets are fired at Sonic as he's running towards the ship. He bounces off of any surface he can find, striking the ship from multiple angles at rapid speed

Robotnik- now you've done it!

Sonic- guess what Eggman, I'm not leaving Earth, you are! Donut lord

Tom uses Sonic's last ring to open up a portal to mushroom planet. Sonic charges at the ship and curls up into a ball, sending Robotnik through the portal

Tom- told you you got this

Sonic- hey, we got this

He holds out a hand for a high five. Sonic couldn't help but run around in joy before returning the high five

Tom- *holds out ring back* these belong to you

Sonic- thank you very much

Tom- no more pushing people off buildings

Sonic- you know I can't promise that

Y/N- Sonic!

Sonic- Y/N *hugs her*

Y/N- that was the craziest thing I've ever seen you do

Sonic- what can I say, you make me do crazy things sometimes

Y/N- but at the same time, you scared me half to death. I thought I'd never seen you again

Sonic- I'd never leave you Y/N, you mean a lot to me

Y/N- oh Sonic *kisses him*

Maddie- so cute

Tom- you really love him don't you Y/N

Y/N- of course I do

Sonic- may I ask though donut lord, do I have full permission to go out with your daughter.....I mean if that's what you want Y/N

Y/N- I'd love that

Tom- *thinks for a moment* alright fine, but I'll be keeping an eye on you

Y/N- thanks dad

Tom- you did pretty good space hog

Sonic- thanks donut lord

Maddie- you're gonna have to explain this donut lord thing to me

Tom- sorry that's for me and the little guy. We got our thing, you got your thing

Maddie- oh my god, my sister

Rachel was still tied up at the house while Jojo was pretending to be Sonic

Maddie- we can never go back there

Tom- I mean are we

Y/N- what do you mean

Tom- because it kinda feels like we're home already

Maddie- really

Tom- I kinda feel like I've checked the save a life box off my bucket list. You know all I wanna do is spend my life with the people I care about...I wanna check that box

Maddie- I like that

Y/N- so does that mean we're staying here

Tom- we're not going anywhere Y/N

Y/N- honestly it doesn't matter to long as I can be with Sonic, then I'm happy

Sonic- Green Hills is your home though Y/N, you wouldn't wanna give that up would you

Y/N- .....yeah I guess you're right, but you'll be with me right

Sonic- I'll always be here with you

Y/N- I love you Sonic

Sonic- I love you too Y/N

They share another kiss with each other while Wade is clearing out the crowd that was watching the entire fight and the four of them head back home

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