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Liyah stormed into the dark room with anger radiating off of her. She can't believe that she expressed her feelings to Grace and she shut her down like that. She has been there for three years for her! She has been there through the break downs she had, how dare she?!

"What's wrong babygirl?" Her father's deep voice boomed making her jump. If he knew, he would surely kill her for not telling him. Telling him where she lays her head some nights.

"This guy at the club really pissed me off!" She lied easily.

"Did you see them?" He ignored his daughter.

"Yes papa," Her accent drowned her words. Growing up in South Italy, near North Africa and having a mother from Libya gave her a thick double accent.

"Was that woman there?" He asked and her heart started to beat fast. Her father wants to know about Grace. She's basically a ghost to the mob world. The most they know is that she lives in Italy but she never goes anywhere, they can't find any records of properties she owns, it's as if she's a ghost. The exact way she wanted it, and Liyah knew it.

"No, it was just the men and their wives. Why are you looking for a woman?" She asked trying to get information for herself. Grace may be a cold bitch but Liyah is loyal to those she loves. She feels as if Grace just needs time to come around and get over him. She doesn't hate him and the love she has for him, she simply wants Grace to make space for her in her cold bitter heart.

Her father studied her for a bit then stepped forward. "I have the one thing that would break her. That empire she created belongs to me and my brother. That damned last name my nephew carries doesn't mean shit to the blood in his veins,"

Liyah almost gulped. Alessandro Colombo isn't dead? That's the one thing that would break Grace. Grace had nightmares the first year they messed around, Liyah was there for it all. There to comfort her and to please her but after a few months of them being close, Grace pushed her away and has strung her along for two years leading to now. She knew that her cousin is the Colombo but she didn't know, until now that he isn't dead. This is the first time her father has revealed this.

"So he's not dead?" She asked and her father took a closer step, dark eyes watching her every movement. He trusts his daughter but she's a little off tonight.

"No. Now if I find out you're lying to me about Grace Colombo then I will kill you myself," He stepped closer to her that her back touched the wall.

"Of course, papa," She looked him in his eyes and he smiled. He gently touch her chin and brought his face down to her neck and took a whiff. She held her breath hoping he has moved on from his ways.

"New perfume?" He asked her and she shook her head mentally cursing herself for not showering before getting kicked out of Grace's loft.

"Sophie let me borrow some of hers after we smoked," She lied easily. She rested her hands on his shoulders for assurance. "Trust me, papa," She wanted to throw up.

"Mhm," He grunted. He traced her arms that still lingered on his shoulder. "You look just like your mother," He walked away from her, leaving her in the dark living room by herself. Tears ran down her face. This is all too much. She can't kept this from Grace but if she tells her she will surely hunt for him and her father will know that she is a traitor. He will not back down on his words and he will kill her.

She needs to just stay away from her.

Three weeks later.

Grace couldn't move when she woke up, her children sprawled over her has restricted her movements. She tried moving Alessa off of her but she stuck to her like glue so she did what she felt was necessary, pushed her daughter into her son and ran into the bathroom. Whatever happens after that is now between them.

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