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Grace looked down at her flip phone with confusion written all over her face. It's been two months since she's last heard from Liyah, she would usually have used her burner phone to call at least once by now. Grace knows that Liyah probably got tired of being strung along but what else is she to do when she needs so release?

She texted her over two hours ago, she's been waiting at her condo for Liyah to show but she hasn't. She's not sure if it's over between them or if Liyah is in trouble. Maybe someone saw her and Grace and figured she's the easiest target.

Paranoia crept up in Grace's shoulders like a ghost. Grace believes in trusting her gut and right now her gut is saying that she needs to watch her back. She began getting an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She looked around her condo slowly, there's no furniture in it except for a bed. She hardly has any clothes here, if anything Liyah leaves so much of her shit at Grace's she throws them out to be petty.  Other than clothes, there's no trace of Grace in this condo. No pictures, no paintings, not even pots and pans.

Her Air Max's didn't make a sound on the floor as she headed to the room door. She could hear the front door being toyed with and she knew it wasn't Liyah. Liyah would've knocked rhythmically, so to her no one else could possibly be at her door. She tightened her cross body bag, grabbed her gun from her holster and backed up into her bedroom.

Grace planned for stuff like this just in case someone followed her here. In her bedroom stood a single door closet, built into the wall, that looks like a mirror. The the intruder it's a full body mirror, there's no indication that it's a door or that there's someone inside of it. Grace can see out, no one can see in. It's sound proof and will only open up if it sees Grace in front of it. The camera will also record inside the closet, the intruder and send the live feed to her phone, and Reno's.  He's not aware that he's been blessed with such privilege.

She soon heard her front door slam open and then nothing. She took her gun off of safety and silenced her phone, the closet is sound proof but she liked to be cautious. She's confident that her hiding spot will not fail her.

"I don't see anyone," a voice grabbed her attention. It wasn't a man's voice, instead it was a females voice. "Not even Liyah," She said again in a microphone attached to her collar. The woman began looking around the condo until she came face to face with Grace and she didn't even know it. The woman leaned in so close that apart of Grace felt like she got caught. She began fixing her hair and checking her teeth in the mirror. She carried an AR with her and dressed in all black but her face still on Grace's live feed.

A silent message from Reno came in on her personal phone as the girl checked herself out in the mirror.

Reno: Grace who tf is on my phone? It says "grace live feed

She quickly sent back a text message to Reno replying with a quick explanation.

I have a secret condo and atm an unwelcome guest"

Reno: of course you have a secret condo... I already sent Gio to the location the moment I saw her gun.

She didn't feel the need to respond, she liked the message with a thumbs up and put her phone back in her purse. Depending on how long this girl decided to stay here, Grace would stay hidden. She didn't like altercation even though if it were to arise she'd be more than prepared for it. Grace is now well trained in Krav Maga and had training in combat fighting involving knives, guns, katanas, and plenty of other weapons. She can handle herself exceptionally well these days.

The girl huffed as she finished looking at herself. "Typical. Sends me into a dead end job since his fucking princess couldn't do it," She muttered in Italian. "Bitch has been missing for two months and he send me here because this is a location he tracked from old phone records. Like what the fuck does he think I am?" She went on. She finally left the mirror to start searching the condo.

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