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The car remained silent as they headed to Grace's home. They're all still in shock that this is even happening. Grace's words echoed in Alessandro's mind and the images of her taking Liyah's life with no regards to his warning, is making his stomach uneasy.

On the other hand, Grace is trying her hardest not to cry. For four years she's been mourning the love of her life who has been alive this entire time. Where has he been and why was he with Liyah?

"Dro," She softly said looking up at him. He met her eyes with his heart pounding out of his chest, her voice like music to his ears. He was beginning to forget what her voice sounded like. Looking down at her he smiled, regardless of what just happened he missed her and he still loves her.

"Yes my love," The Italian words flew out of his mouth before he could stop it. She blushed, the heat from her face soon began traveling down her body. Hearing him answer her that way, is awakening parts of her she shut off and melting the iceberg she calls a heart.

"What were you doing with Liyah? Her father has had a hit out for me for the past four years," Her words didn't sit well with Alessandro. Hearing her sound as he once did, conducting herself as he wanted her to made him frown. On one hand he's proud that she has taken on this role with grace and the no nonsense attitude he left behind but on the other hand, he's saddened that this is who she became. He had hoped she would've kept her joyful spirit but looking at her, he sees nothing but a broken, sad woman. He did this.

"That man is my uncle," He said to her. "My father shipped me here, hoping to kill me in cargo but somehow I survived. My uncle picked me up to torture me for information that I might have on you since word got out that you took over my business. That man will still want us both dead," His words made Grace's blood boil. Over her dead body. Her children have already had to deal with losing Alessandro but not her too.

Their children. She corrected herself. How are they going to react to Alessandro being back? She's still trying to wrap it around her head that this man is still breathing and sitting right next to her. She decided to try and lay her head on his chest like she used to do all the time. For a few seconds, Alessandro didn't move because the gesture Grace made put him in a shock. He hasn't felt her body heat on him in a very long time, he missed it. He soon used his long arms to wrap it around Grace, hugging her into him. 

"I've missed you so much," She whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear but he did. She made eye contact with Gio in the rear view mirror but it didn't last long as his eyes darted to Alessandro. Unbeknownst to Grace, Alessandro has been making eye contact with Gio this entire car ride as he catches him glancing at Grace. Somethings up and he knows it, he just can't figure it out yet.

"I've missed you more than you'll understand, I thought about you everyday. Only thing that kept me alive was thinking of my family," He spoke. It felt amazing to have his love in his arms again and to feel her warmth mixing with his. Her scent still the same, at least that hasn't changed he thought to himself.

"I have too. I can't wait for you to be reintroduced to your children," Grace said in Italian.

"You're fluent now, you sound beautiful," Alessandro responded in Italian making Gracs smile. "I'm ready to meet them," He didn't mention that he is scared shitless. He has no idea how Rico will react to not seeing him for four years. Or how is daughter looks and will receive him, she has no idea who he is at all as far as he knows. But Alessa does know him, from pictures and videos and stories she just wishes she could've met him before he died.

"We're almost at the house," Grace broke his train of thought. He looked out window to see acres of land and this long single road, almost as if it's a driveway that went on for about a mile. Soon, a castle like home came into his view.

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