Part Sixteen 🧍🏽‍♀️

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(A/N: before we start .. do we want sex scenes or .. no cause like I'm tired of this chill shit 🥲, if y'all don't want none tell me 🙂)


(A/N: oh and do y'all like 3rd point of views ?)

Jalissa Davis -

"STOP FUCKING TOUCHING ME, FUCK" I yelled at Kentrell.

"Who the fuck is you talking to like that, you could've said that shit nicely, rude ass bitch" he said slightly pouting.

"Can you please stop touching me"

"Okay" he said as he got off me and laid down beside me.

"Why I can't touch you"

"Because I'm hot and I'm cramping, can you turn on the fan"

"Girl fuck no it's cold outside"

"Please Kentrell, damn if you don't wanna be cold then get out, you was just in my room anyways"

"Go turn on the fan" I said rolling over on my stomach.

"You want some chocolate" he asked me as he turned on the fan.

He came over to the bed and laid on my back, so his front was on my back.

"Move, get up, you heavy asf" I said moving some.

"Chill, chill stop moving, fuck"

"Get up I have a headache"

He got off me and laid beside me.

I looked at him.

"Ok but do you want chocolate" he said

I played with my ear because I was nervous.

"Stop, why you nervous"


"Why are you nervous"

"I-I'm not"

"Yea you are, Girl don't sit in my face and lie like that" he said slightly laughing

"I don't know"

"You don't know what if you want chocolate or why you lying ta my face"

"That wasn't your question"

"Imma ask again then, why are you nervous"

"Idk damn, It's a random wave of nervousness"

"You get those all the time"

"No Just- nvm can you get me chocolate and some brownie batter core ice cream"

He sighed and got up.

"Ight but the kids gon come in here with you alright"

"Okay" I said softly.

He walked back over to me and kissed me.

"Let me see your hand"

He gave me his hand so I brought it up to my neck.

He gave it a light squeeze.

I hum in satisfaction.

"Girl move damn, always doing shit Yk gon fuck wit me" he took his hand and left.

Once he came back he had the kids behind him.

"Y'all are gonna stay in here with momma okay"

"Okay Da"

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