Super Girl

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RIP Robots (As told by Wilder)

I'm walking through the shadows to a specific spot. Suddenly, I see someone moving. As they inch away, I try to get closer and see them. A glint of metal.

My head shot off the pillow as I sat bolt upright. That same dream. I got out of bed and changed into my dark brown gi, processing this new information. Not surprisingly, I was the last one up. When I got onto the balcony, everyone was freaking out, watching someone in the arena. I elbowed my way to the front and saw Negra blindfolded, on her knees, and in the middle of Jay's training robots, likely set to level nine.

"Who in the world is evil enough to do this to someone!?" Jay practically yelled in my ear.

"Many different people. Such as . . ."

I almost laughed as I clarified, "Zane, that was a rhetorical question."

"Ok. Even then, with Negra suffering from . . ."

"Zane, are you glitching? Pixel, Is Zane glitching?"

Zane blinked and I could hear tell he was running a system diagnostic. "I'm not glitching. Somehow, Negra's ribs are fully healed."

"WHAT!" all of us but Pixal exclaimed.

I looked back at Negra as she stood up. She suddenly jumped up onto one of the robot's heads and the others followed. Honestly, the way she defeated the robots was very creative. Jay wouldn't say so though. She would jump on a robot's head, and then jump off just as the other robots destroyed the first one. Then, she jumped down and severely damaged the final one. She's awesome.

"Yo, Jay. Thanks for the compliment. It really helps when someone calls me evil." All of us screamed at the sudden sound of Negra behind us. She was in a dark purple sleeveless gi, once again, there were holes in her knees with black thread around the edge.

Jay laughed nervously, "I didn't know that you went down there yourself."

Negra smiled, "No hard feelings." She stretched. "If you want I could help you rebuild the robots. Maybe upgrade them?"

"No! I mean, no. I can do it."

Negra stopped smiling, "Oh. I see." She turned.

Lloyd cleared his throat, "Well, you see. The last time someone "helped" Jay with his robots, when he told them to do level 2, they glitched and went to level 9."

Negra didn't turn back around, "No, I understand. Come on, I think breakfast is ready."

"Negra. . ." Melody called softly.

To much weight (As told by Hannah)

After breakfast, I headed to the weight room. I remembered earlier this morning how Negra went from excited and happy, to cold and aloof. I walked inside and I saw Negra lifting weights without a spotter. But she was doing it as easily as if it were an empty water bottle. She put it back on the stand and sat up. She saw me and beckoned me over.

"Hey, Hannah. Could you help me with these weights? I was gonna put on more, but I didn't have a spotter so . . ."

I glanced at her weights."MORE! Your pressing 500 pounds and that's just the weights!"

She blinked. "Yeah, I'm hoping to get to 750 pounds by the end of the month."

"750 POUNDS! I can barely do 150!" I exclaimed. Negra just shrugged and she started to put on some more weights. "What are you doing? I thought you wanted a spotter?"

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