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A warning (As told by Negra)

I sat up in a cold sweat, Underground. why didn't I think of that before? I shook my head to remove the sense of dread gained by finding him. I stood up out of bed and stretched, He's here. I've never healed this quickly. I walked out of the infirmary and breathed in the mountain air. I walked up to the balcony and looked up at Cygnis, thinking about what had happened so far, making sure to put the right names to the right faces.

"So you're the new girl. Surprised you're up after broken ribs."

He's here! I sighed and turned around. Standing there was Ash, and Sulfur was glaring at him. I rolled my eyes, "I heal quick, what are you two doing up?"

"That's none of you're business." Ash half yelled. 

Sulfur rolled her eyes, She's moody. Not sure what I think about that. "This is a rare time we would be seen together actually. We both woke up in a cold sweat with a large sense of dread, then we saw you come out so. . ."

I pursed my lips, "Oh, it's probably just a coincidence. Well, uh, I'll just head back now."I pushed through them and just about reached the door when they started fighting. 

"I told you she had nothing to do with it!" Ash whisper yelled.

"I mean, it made sense! This supergirl appears and then we see Dad in our sleep!" Sulfur shot back in the same hushed tone.

The air started to fill with ash and the smell of sulfur. Knowing them, they could potentially suffocate the entire school. I turned around and pushed them apart. Mimicking their tone, I said, "If you two don't stop, you'll kill the entire school!"

They both stared at me, and then I realized that they were on the other side of the hall. Uh oh.

"You do have powers. You lied to me and the others." Sulfur said astonished.

I sighed, "I didn't lie. I said I wasn't a master and I'm not. As long as the one who sired me exists, I'm merely borrowing these powers." I started to turn around when Ash made a mistake in his speech.

"If you don't tell us who you are, We'll tell everyone that you have powers."

I turned back around slowly and glared at Ash. His smug look disappeared and he stepped back as Sulfur quickly added, "He doesn't speak for me."

A smile tugged at my mouth. Red eyes have their uses. "If anyone but you two found out, you risk the lives of everyone in the school."

Sulfur looked at me, "Are you now blackmailing us?"

Now, I smiled, "No. Blackmailing is Ash's thing. I'm merely warning you. Never. Never mess with an Overland. Or her hair for that matter. I promise, in time I'll reveal who I am. Just not here, not now. Ash, Sulfer, to you I say, goodnight." I gave a small bow and headed back inside the infirmary. Closing the door on them.

(So, I hope y'all liked the chapter. SpaceCloud413, tell me if I did Sulfur well please. And to everyone I say, GOODNIGHT!)

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