Mother Melody

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No more Weakness (as told by Negra)

Yeah, I'm stubborn. Sue me. I sighed as I inspected the damage, I can make the wall better, but at a price. I wiped my brow as I pushed the last brick into place. Repairs were complete, but he was right. I needed to fortify the wall since his power grows stronger.

I looked around before I remembered what had happened with Sulfur. I climbed a ladder and went just outside the wall to two stations. Two carts full of my siblings' true memories stand waiting to be switched with the altered ones. I sighed as I reactivated the link long enough to get the true and altered memories switched. If I did it right, the memories should slowly be replaced via dreams in the night. I was surprised when false memories were already coming back. They must be asleep. That's perfect. It was already almost full, leading me to believe that it was early in the night. When a light turned green on both Sulfur and Ash, I closed the link, thankful that neither of them can do it because they're not Overlands.

I went back to the wall and got inside. Using all my concentration, I formed a metal box around my emotions, who were currently in the form of different colored glowing balls. I took the box and pushed it up against the wall, metal radiated up and over the wall. A click, and I opened my eyes.

I swung my feet off the bed and took everything in. I was in the infirmary and it was the middle of the night. I looked back at the bed and saw Melody sitting on a chair close to my bed with her head on her arms, which were on the bed. I traced her figure, she was shaking slightly from a small fever. I noted that she was drooling slightly. I found a bucket and brought it close to Melody. I was correct in my suspicions as Melody woke up enough to find the bucket and throw up in it. I held her hair back for her, trying hard not to throw up myself. She was still half asleep, so I grabbed a paper towel and cleaned off her face while softly humming her back to dreamland. Once she was fast asleep, I struggled slightly to pick her up and lay her in the bed. How long have I been asleep?

I grabbed Melody's phone and checked the date. I had been unconscious for five days. I'd be surprised, but I literally just locked away all of my emotions. As I was putting her phone back, I noticed a bite mark on Melody's ankle. Dark lines were radiating from it. "You poor child." I pulled off my locket and placed it on the bite. I saw the darkness being sucked into it and out of Melody. After tucking her in, I changed and headed to the library. There were only two more weeks until the flaming eclipse and I needed to find the nearest volcano ASAP

Mother May I? (as told by Melody)

I walked into the library and found Negra in her usual spot. "Have you found what you needed yet?"

She shook her head, "No. You'd think that there'd be at least one volcano that's easy to get to. I haven't even had a chance to look for him yet. There's only 11 days before the flaming eclipse."

"I might be able to help on that second part."

She looked up from her book, "How?"

"Come on, I'll show you." I started walking off and I heard her follow. We went down to the first floor where all the rooms like the gym and the nursery/grade-schooler dorms were. Making sure no one was watching us, I pushed Negra into the janitor's closet.

"What was that for?" She whisper yelled.

"Shhh. I didn't want anyone to see us. Excuse me." I maneuvered around in the closet and flipped a switch hidden under one of the shelf legs. The back wall slid to the right with a soft rumble and I looked at Negra, "Do you think this is the right direction?"


She went into the sparsely lit tunnel and I went after her, flipping another switch after we were both inside, closing the wall. After walking a little while, we came upon the pain room where everyone was waiting.

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