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Evacuation (as told by Negra)

My head cleared as I realized what had happened. Copernicus was curled in a ball on the floor in pain, so I did the sensible thing and put him in a closet and barred it with a broom. I rushed over and gently smacked Melody to wake her up. Once she was up, I pulled the fire alarm. Over all of the noise, I listened for Copernicus, and I couldn't hear him. "Come on Melody."

"What, Negra. Where's your locket? Copernicus!"

"Copernicus isn't available right now."

"Negra what happened?"

"Copernicus saved my life. We need to go. NOW!"


Bleary-eyed teens were in their PJs and were trying to see what the commotion was. "Do y'all not do drills? GRAB YOUR GIS, YOUR WEAPONS, AND GET OUT OF HERE!"

A couple of the teens who tend to stay up late ran up to me, "What's happening?"

"We need to get everyone out now." I felt a chill down my spine as I heard splintering wood. "Get everyone out of here. I'll try to scare anyone else." I helped Melody put her weight on Shade, and I jumped off the banister.

I heard screams from the other kids as I fell. Even more, as I rose up on spidery legs of shadow. "IF YOU WANT TO BE A SERVANT OF THE OVERLORD, YOU'RE FREE TO STAY. OTHERWISE, GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE!"

They just stood there. At least Melody was no longer there. Guess who came to crash the party. "Copernicus" came out of the infirmary, evil British laughter coming from him. "It seems that I have more helpers than I thought."

His voice was unusually deep.

"Can you at least not use his voice."

He smiled with Copernicus's face, it was unsettling, "Only thing that's left of him is the accent, and that's only because I can't figure out how to turn it off." He started walking forward not a care in the world, "It's actually nice really. Being a formless shadow really does a number on your voice."

They were all running now, I had to keep him distracted, "You're still wearing the locket. Why not dispose of it?"

He was still walking, he was using his own darkness as stairs, "I'm pretty impressed with the locket actually. I'm actually going to need you to open it."

I moved backward, "Like that's ever going to happen."

"Enough about me. Let's talk about you. The weakling thought highly of you. It's a shame his last act was futile."

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you of all people would know. Once the Flaming Eclipse reaches its apex, my power will burst forth and his body will become shadow. Does that make you angry?"

It indeed made me very angry. I was about to answer when he finally noticed the students around him, "You clever girl. I will deal with you later."

Out of nowhere, I was hit with a whip and thrown through a wall. It happened to be the wall to our neighbor joint. I groaned. I groaned again when it was Melody who helped me up, "You shouldn't be here. None of you should."

"We couldn't leave without you. Is that Copernicus out there?"

"Not anymore." The Overlord glided into the room, "So many familiar faces. Nya, my dear, how are you?"

He smiled and Kai punched him in the nose, "Don't talk to my sister."

"Honestly, I really just want my daughter and my enemy. Is that too much to ask?"

"Sulfur isn't here."

I coughed, there was a little blood. "He means me."

"Ah yes. You said it yourself, call me what I am." He pointed at me, "This rebellious she-spawn is my oldest by five seconds. And I am not ashamed to admit that I wish the first mistake was the firstborn. He would have been easier to control."

I raised my hands, stopping shadows from impaling Lloyd just as Hannah and Morro stopped at the door, Dad rolled Copernicus's eyes, "Ugh. Must I be interrupt-" he stopped when he saw Hannah, "Leowin?"

He shoved Morro to the side, walking towards Hannah, "Leowin? How? I thought I would never see you again."

"Who's Leowin?"

He stopped, he almost whispered, "I thought for sure. . ."
I jumped on his back before he could do anything to Hannah, "Run, all of you! Now!"

They ran and Dad threw me off the hall. I reached for the banister for the hall below and missed. Ash and Sulphur grabbed my hands and helped pull me up, "Thanks. You two need to leave."

"What about Mom?"

I looked at Sulfur, "Mom's here? Of course she is. Does she still have a drinking problem?"

"Yes, but how did you. . ."

"Because I really am your sister and I'm sorry that I messed with your memories. She'll be safer here. I should know. Us three aren't however and I can't explain right now."

I felt a shiver down my spine, "We're losing people, we need to go now!"

We ran down to the bottom floor. Ash and Sulfur headed to the exit, but I headed to Cole, who was in the process of being lost.

Escape (as told by Cole)

I fell on my knees, in intense pain. I knew that if I just gave in it would stop, but I didn't want to hurt Hannah, who was right next to me screaming my name. She sounded so far away.

I felt someone grip my arm and the pain started to go away as Negra pulled me up. "I won't lose anyone else today."

Hannah almost knocked me over as she hugged me, and I heard Negra clear her throat. "Now isn't really a good time to hug. It is a good time to run though."

We nodded and started running. Negra was close behind us making sure that neither of us fell. We were the last ones through the exit, But Negra stopped and took something out of her pocket and put it on the ground. "Negra, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to hold them off. You two just run."

"You're kidding right? He wants you for some reason." I reached to grab her, but there was a forcefield in the way.

"Tell Melody, Ash, and Sulfur I'll meet them there. Now go!"

Hannah hit the forcefield. "We aren't leaving you!"

Negra sighed, "I'm sorry about this." Shadows surrounded us. Hannah and I were standing back to back, ready to fight, but when the shadows left, we were surrounded by the other's who escaped. Melody, Ash and Sulfur were the first ones to see us, "Where's Negra?"

"She's holding them off for us. She said that she'd meet us here."

Melody nodded, "I hope so."

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