Through the Mist

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(So, in the last chapter. Basically, Sulfur didn't want Negra to go near her daughter because Melody didn't confidently defend Negra right away. Because of this, Negra got really upset and ran into the fog.)

Conversation with Darkness (As told by Negra)

I don't know how long I ran, or how far, but I didn't care. It hurt that Sulfur thought I would hurt Zoey and I couldn't explain that she was protected because we share a bloodline. It hurt that I had to hide and I couldn't outwardly protect my siblings without potentially damaging their psyche. I stopped running and fell on my knees, letting everything out. Shadows writhed around my body as black tears landed on the ground. I could feel my mental wall cracking, and frankly, I didn't care. As my tears hit the ground, the grass turned black. A drop fell on a nearby cricket, the darkness that filled it was too much and it died. I had to pull myself together.

I wrestled my feelings together and tied them up, which was the best I could do without meditation. I turned my attention to the wall and noticed a hole punched through, someone got inside. I felt someone behind me, I stood up and wiped away the dark tears, turning to face a man who looked similar to Ash, but not entirely. His eyes were blood red.

"Someone got careless. That wall felt like punching through a piece of paper."

"Get out of my head."

"Now, now. I just want to have a nice chat with my oldest daughter. Is that so wrong?"

I backed up into a nearby tree, the Overlord followed. I vaguely noticed the black lines climbing my veins. "It is when you want to use her to destroy the world. Now get out of my head so that I can fix the wall."

He laughed, "It's not the child's place to tell the father what to do. You know, if you just give in it will be so much easier. You won't have to worry about what anyone says, and you won't have to worry about hurting those unplanned mistakes."

To be honest, it was tempting. I could just give in and not have to worry about anything ever again. I was so distraught that he almost got me to do it. Until he called Ash and Sulfur mistakes. I looked him in the eye, "I'll never give in to you. I'm the only thing between you in my family. I will stop you, and you'll never hurt anyone again."

The placid look on his face, changed . . . It looked less human and more . . . dragon. He rushed forward and pressed his hand against my belly. I could feel him try to absorb my power, but couldn't. He grinned evilly as I visibly paled, "Listen to me, Girl. Soon you'll have no choice. As the Flaming Eclipse draws closer, my power grows. At its apex I'll be able to break from my insufferable prison, and you will be the final piece I need to destroy the balance and take this world for my own."

"I-I will stop you."

"You can think that. Even if you do manage to destroy me, someone will have to take my place. Be the dark in the light. And as my only heir, that will be you. You'll become a great force of evil and you will want to fulfill my goal. It would be much easier to give up. Better for your conscience."

"N-n-never." I gasped as he tried again and failed.

He backed off, allowing me to slide down the tree, "Very well. But don't say I didn't warn you. I'll leave, but I will win, one way or another."

He dispersed into shadow and I could feel him leave. It was all I could to not pass out. Barely, over my own beating heart, I heard the scuttling of eight tiny legs, and Alex crawled up on my knee.

Danger at Midday (As told by Lloyd)

Nya and Wilder were in the front, Wilder telling Nya which way Alex was. Melody was in the back, quietly freaking out over Negra and Hannah trying to to calm her down. I kinda felt like the odd one out, especially since the only reason Melody asked me to come was "to light the way". It wasn't even dark. It was midafternoon. I fell back a little to try and help calm Melody down, "I'm sure Negra can take care of herself. She seems pretty tough."

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