Meeting of the Dorm Mates

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The Night Before (As told by Negra)

As I ran off the edge, my scythe caught the roof and I swung into a window, waking an old man up. There goes my sneaky entrance. The Man sipped some tea that he had hidden somewhere. "Hello, Negra."

I sheathed my scythe, "How do you know my name?"

"It was very hard to find someone with your talents, and then only one person knew your name." He poured himself another cup and poured tea in a second one, "Tea?"

I kneeled down, wary. "You're Master Wu?"

Wu chuckled softly, "It appears you already know more about me than I do you.  A friend of yours told me you were on the run from those who would want to hurt you, I can guarantee your protection."

I raised an eyebrow, "Even from your students?"

"If you feel threatened by any of them, just tell me."

I stood up, "I'll try this place out for a bit, but I can't guarantee I'll stay."

Wu also stood up, "I see. You'll still be treated as a student, even though it's only temporary." He picked up the cup he poured for me, "Do you not want your tea?"

I smiled, "I'd rather stay alert, and chamomile won't help with that. Just tell me where my dorm is, and I'll be off."

I couldn't tell if Wu was smiling or not through his beard. "Shade!"

A pale boy appeared out of the shadows and it was all I could to not swing my scythe at him. Is that what it's like when I do that?  He was wearing dark clothing, so I couldn't make out the color of his clothes. He glanced at me, "Yes Master Wu?"

Wu gestured to me, "Would you please show this young lady to her dorm? She will be staying in dorm MSS. If she has an elemental power, we'll change the name in the morning."

"Yes, Master Wu." Shade gestured for me to follow, and I did, after removing my scythe from my back.

That Morning (As told by Hannah)

I woke up to a loud squeal and shoved a pillow over my head. It was almost six A.M. To early. After a few high pitched "She's here"s, I groggily lifted up my head and looked at Melody, "Melody, some of us are trying to sleep!"

Melody pursed her lips. She was already dressed in her zebra gi and ready for training after breakfast. "Sorry. You can go back to sleep now."

I sighed and threw my pillow at her, "Like I can go to sleep after that noise." I got up and headed into our shared bathroom and got dressed in my pink gi and did my morning routine. When I walked back out, Sulfer was staring at the wall across the room, next to Melody's bed. I followed her gaze. On the wall was the phrase, "In the darkest night," written in black paint. Strangely enough, when combined with Melody's sentence, "things aren't as they sound." Sulfer took her turn in the bathroom. I looked at Melody, "Would you care to explain?"

Melody was all smiles again, "This phrase means that she's trying the school out!" She was practically jumping.

I grabbed her and held her down as Sulfer was coming out in her pale yellow gi (The color of sulfur) She grabbed her water bottle for a drink. Trying to get more information, I asked, "Melody, who is trying the school out?"

She stopped jumping, "Negra is of course!"

Sulfer spit out the water in her mouth and I looked at her, "Do you know Negra?"

Sulfer wiped off her mouth, "I don't know, the name sounds familiar though, like there's something important attached to it."

(There you go! You met the dorm mates. SpaceCloud413 Please tell me if I did Sulfer right. I'll change it if I didn't. Did I do Wu okay? this is absolutely after season 2)

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