Entering in the Night

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(Hey, I'd love feedback on this, and if you have advice on how to make the point of view better Whenever I do cannon points I'd appreciate it. Thanks, SpaceCloud413 for letting me use your OC's)

Negra's POV

I breathed in the fresh night air as I scanned the courtyard from my vantage point. There were a few people training in the yard down below, they would have seen me if they had only looked up. I stood up, clutching my locket. I was about to climb up to the balcony above me when someone came out onto it. I quickly headed into the shadow underneath, blending in and hiding my scythe.

Hannah's POV (This is Hannah from SpaceCloud413's Forgotten Elements)

I stood outside on the balcony and breathed in the fresh night air. 

"Hey Space Girl."

I rolled my eyes as I turned and faced Wilder (Pronounced Will-der) hanging from his spidermanesque wed shooters, "Really Wilder, we both know that I'm to ninja for you to surprise me." A glint of metal caught my highly trained eye. I looked at that spot. It looked like there was someone in the shadows, but there wasn't. I turned back to him "Wilder, you better not be using spiders to freak me out."

Wilder looked confused, "What do you mean?" He got down off his web and looked at the spot I had earlier. Being the master of spiders, he called a tarantula over to him. "I was going to use this little guy on Co . . . Copernicus. but this works too." He sent the tarantula over to that spot as I elbowed him, "Nice save."

The spider crawled over to the spot, and someone definitely moved.

Negra's POV

I inched away from the tarantula, but it kept getting closer. Finally, I had taken enough. I pulled my scythe off my back and swung. The boy flinched and the girl jumped down from the balcony onto the roof. There goes that plan. I turned and ran.

"HEY, WAIT!" the girl called. The boy was in on the chase now, he did his best to catch up to the blonde girl, then tried to catch up to me. I still kept running, not taking my mind off my destination. Suddenly, my foot got caught on something, and I instinctively grabbed my scythe and started on the thing.

Hannah's POV

"Nice shot Wilder." we were catching up to the girl (Which Wilder was able to down with his webs) when she got up and started running again. I continued running, but Wilder stopped where she fell. She was nearing the edge of the roof now, she would have to stop so she wouldn't fall off the mountain. My eyes widened as she didn't slow down, but took out her scythe a third time. when she reached the edge, she turned and held her scythe in front of her. I saw her blood-red eyes before she fell. I got to the edge, neither her nor her scythe was there.

Wilder's POV

I picked up the cut webs, her blade must have been sharp. Hannah came walking back, she wasn't talking, that was a bad sign. "What's wrong?"

Hannah looked at me tears in her eyes, "She ran off the roof."

I straightened up, "What?!"

"She ran off the roof. She just ran off it, no hesitation at all."

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, "We should head back to our dorms. Maybe she made it somehow. If she did, we should see her around. What did she look like?"

Hannah sniffed and wiped her eyes. "You saw how dark her hair was, Black as night. But her eyes, they were blood red."

I smiled, trying to lighten the mood, "Well, that should be easy to spot."

Hannah laughed shakily as we went back, "Yeah, You're right."

Boy were we wrong.

(Three characters I own were either shown or mentioned. One was mentioned. Tell me what you think and vote.)

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