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Hii guys, I'm finally here with another update. ❤️
Hope you'll enjoy!


"Stefi!" Lea ran in the house and squealed when she saw Stefani in the living room. The little one immediately made her way towards Stefani and clung to her leg.

"Oh, hi, princess! I missed you so much." Stefani smiled widely and crouched down, hugging the little blonde girl.

Bradley and Stefani came home from the hospital a couple of days ago. Baby Ally was doing great, and the dogs loved her too – especially Charlie. He was by her side all the time, protecting her. 

Little Lea hasn't seen Ally yet. She's only seen a few pictures of her and ever since her little sister was born, she kept talking about her and wanted nothing more than to see her.

Today was finally the day and she was about to see her just a few-day-old sister for the first time.

"I missed you too, Stefi. And can I see my sissy, pwease?" Lea asked, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Of course, darling. I was just about to wake her up, because it's already time for her to eat. So I'm going to feed her and then I'll bring her down here so you can meet her, okay?" Stefani said and Lea agreed, jumping happily.


It didn't take long and Stefani returned to the living room, walking slowly down the stairs, holding a tiny baby wrapped in a blanket.

When Lea saw her, she wanted to run to her, but Bradley took her hand, stopping her.

"Wait, baby. I know you're very excited to see your baby sister, but be careful, okay?" He told her and the little one nodded.

"Of course, daddy."

"Come here, darling." Stefani sat on the couch and Lea came to her with a wide smile on her face.

"Meet Ally. Your baby sister." She showed her the tiny, sleeping baby in her arms and Lea observed her curiously.

"She's so cute!" The little blonde girl grinned. "Can I hold her?"

"Sure, sit here..." Stefani smiled and Lea then moved to sit on the couch. Stefani slowly lowered Ally into Lea's arms, while still supporting her grip and Ally's head. Lea wrapped her small arms around the tiny baby, being very gentle with her.

"Hi baby Ally. I'm Lea, your big sister." The little one said in a sweet voice and kissed Ally on the forehead. Stefani and Bradley both melted at the sight.

"She loves her." Bradley murmured in Stefani's ear and kissed her temple. She nodded with a wide smile, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"We will be best fwiends." Lea smiled and little Ally began opening her eyes slowly and then cooed, which made Lea giggle.

"I think she agrees with you, baby." Bradley chuckled. "And look, if you give her your finger, she will wrap her tiny hand around it." He smiled and Lea wanted to try it right away. As Bradley said, baby Ally then wrapped her hand around Lea's finger, making the little blonde-haired girl smile widely.

She then continued to observe and cuddle her, but after a while, Ally began whimpering a little.

"Oh, I think she wants mommy now." Bradley caressed Lea's blonde locks. The little one nodded, kissing Ally's head once more and then let her go.. Stefani brought her back to her chest again.

"I love her so much." Lea grinned and hugged Bradley tightly, making both his and Stefani's heart burst with cuteness.

She was such a sweet little girl who loved everything and everyone around her, and Bradley couldn't be more thankful for having her. And Stefani as well. She considered Lea her own and this precious moment made her tear up. She adored that little girl, and Lea loved her just as much.

Bradley smiled widely and kissed the crown of Lea's head.

"And I love you, my little bunny. All of you... Stefi, baby Ally and you. You're my three beautiful princesses."

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