Daddy-Daughter Time

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Heyy guys! How are you all?
Finally after a month I'm here with an update. I hope you'll enjoy this short story, and feel free to suggest some ideas. ❤️


"B, I don't know if I should go. I can still cancel, so if you–"

"Stefani, go.. don't worry, I've got this."

Stefani was supposed to attend an event, but still wasn't sure whether to go or not. This would be the first time leaving Ally with Bradley alone. Of course she trusted him, he was a perfect father, but she was still nervous about leaving her little baby for the first time.

"I don't know... what if something happens?" She continued to panic and Bradley couldn't help but laugh.

"You know I raised Lea, right?" He teased.

"Of course, B! I didn't mean it like that. I'm not afraid of you staying with her.. you're the most amazing, protective and caring father. But it's still weird for me going somewhere and leaving both of you here. I really got used to being at home, with you two..." Stefani explained and Bradley nodded, smiling.

"I know, baby. I understand. But she's sleeping now, we will be okay. And the sooner you leave, the sooner you can come back."

"Okay, I think you're right. But if anything happens, call me immediately."

"Of course I will." He chuckled and kissed her on the lips. "Have fun, darling."

"I will miss you." She caressed his cheek.

"We will miss you, too."


Stefani left only five minutes ago, but Bradley already got a text message from her.

'Is everything okay?'

He laughed and began typing back.

'Stefani, you left a second ago. Don't worry, everything's fine. I will let you know if anything happens.'

She was adorable.

After he hit the "send" button, he could hear a quiet cry coming from the upstairs, so he then made his way to their little angel's room.

"Oh, look who's awake! Hi, darling.. did you sleep well?" Bradley said in a sweet voice and Ally instantly smiled when she saw him. She was a very good baby. She was always so calm and happy, didn't cry very often and slept good through the nights. She was seriously an angel.

Bradley picked her up and went to change her diaper, then walked downstairs so he could give her a bottle.

"Mommy's not here right now, so we can have our first daddy-daughter time. Are you excited?" He tickled her tummy, making the little baby let out a small laugh.

He placed her to her rocking chair, giving her some rattles to play with, while he went to prepare the bottle for her. Meanwhile he also texted Stefani that Ally was awake. When he was done with the bottle, he slowly took Ally in his arms once again and began feeding her.

"Mommy is amazing, you know? She's very strong and brave, kind and beautiful.. and one day you'll be like her. She's the kindest, purest soul I've ever met and I'm so thankful for having her in my life, as well as you, darling." Bradley smiled at the little blue-eyed baby, and suddenly heard a sniffle coming from behind him. He turned around and saw Stefani standing there with tears in her eyes.

"That was so beautiful, B. I love you so much." She walked over to him and gently kissed him on the lips, kissing Ally's forehead right after.

"Stef, what are you–"

"I canceled. I just couldn't go.. it's– everything is still so new and I realized that I need to be here, with you two. You two are everything to me, and I'm still not prepared to leave my little baby anytime soon. You're stuck with mommy, sweet pea." Stefani said, stroking Ally's tiny hand.

"Oh, come here." Bradley wrapped his arm around Stefani, snuggling her closer to him.

"Were they mad you canceled last minute?"

"Not at all. Actually, they understood. They were very sweet, told me that it was completely okay and also agreed with me that family is everything." Stefani smiled. "By the way, how did you enjoy your daddy-daughter time?"

"It was great, and very short." Bradley chuckled. "But it was not the same without you, we both missed our beautiful mommy." He admitted, making Stefani giggle.

"I missed you, too. And I promise I'm not going to leave you anytime soon."

"That's good."

Life With AllyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora