Hide and Seek

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Hi guys, I'm finally updating this book as well! I hope you'll enjoy 🥰❤️


"I found you!" Stefani exclaimed when she found Lea hidden under a blanket behind the couch.

Little Ally laughed as well when she saw her big sister, as she was slowly crawling to her.

In the past few weeks she learned how to crawl properly, which made Stefani very emotional because of how fast her daughter was growing.

"Ally found me too!" Lea giggled. "Can I hide again?"

"Of course you can! You are an expert with finding all those great hiding spots. Even I wouldn't be able to find them and it's my own house." Stefani told her, making Lea grin.

She then closed her eyes and began counting, while Lea ran to hide, being slowly followed by little crawling Ally. She adored her big sister so much she wanted to crawl after her all the time.

"...nine, ten! Ready or not, here I come!" Stefani opened her eyes and turned around to go and find Lea, but then she suddenly froze.

She couldn't see Ally anywhere.

"Bradley!" She yelled and he immediately came running downstairs to the living room. 

"Stefani, darling, what happened?" Bradley asked worriedly when he saw her panicking and searching through the whole living room.

"I can't find Ally! But she was right here ten seconds ago!"

"Wait, Ally?"

"Yes, I– I was counting to ten when Lea went to hide and Ally had to crawl somewhere..." Stefani buried her face in her hands.

"Baby, shh, calm down, she will be here somewhere, she can't crawl that fast." Bradley reassured her and both of them began searching the living room together.

He then noticed Charlie sitting in the corner by the window.

"Stef, come here. Look how he's sitting there."

They knew that Charlie had been guarding baby Ally since she was born. He was by her side all the time, even slept beside her crib every night.

They made their way to the window right away and found both Lea and Ally hidden behind the curtain there.

"You found us!" Lea exclaimed and Stefani immediately picked Ally up, kissing her face multiple times, making the little baby giggle.

"Oh, my god, I was so scared."

"Darling, why was Ally here with you?" Bradley asked, also feeling relieved that Charlie had helped them find her.

"When I was hiding here, she followed me, so we hid together!" Lea smiled.

"But Stefi was really scared when she couldn't find her, you know? She is still just a baby, we have to be careful where she goes in this big house." Bradley explained and Lea then came to Stefani, hugging her.

"I'm sorry, Stefi." She apologized with a small pout.

"Oh, darling, it's not your fault. Ally probably wanted to play with you too, but she is still very little for a game like this." Stefani told Lea, stroking her blonde hair. "Next time please tell me, okay? Because I was really worried."

"Okay." Lea nodded and Stefani kissed her temple.

"And Charlie is the hero of the day, he helped us find her." Bradley smiled, petting Charlie, who was happily wagging his tail.

"Such a good boy." Stefani praised him too, stroking him behind the ear.

"Lea, darling, do you want to continue playing?" She then asked Lea and the blonde girl nodded with a big smile on her face.

"Okay, so go hide, I'll count again." She told her and put baby Ally in Bradley's arms.

"And you, Allison Joanne, will stay here with daddy." Stefani said and little Ally was just smiling at her widely, showing her two bottom teeth.

"Oh, so you think it's funny, hm? I'm being serious over here."


"Right, no more hiding from mommy."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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