She Did It

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Hi everyone, I'm here with another short story for you. Hope you'll enjoy!
I would also like to wish you a beautiful holidays, have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the time with your loved ones! ❤️


"Where's mommy?" Stefani asked when she hid behind the couch.

"There she is!" She then exclaimed as she peeked out from behind it at Ally.

The little one began laughing out loud, and Stefani then did it again, and again... She loved playing this game with Ally because it made her heart melt always when her daughter laughed.

Bradley smiled lovingly as he walked into the living room and saw his loves laughing and playing together.

He crouched next to Stefani and kissed her on the cheek. "You are so beautiful, mommy."

"Flatterer." Stefani blushed a little, smiling at him. "I love you."

"I love you, too, darling."

"A-da-da-da!" Ally yelled, wanting some attention as well.

"Oh, look who's yelling over there. This quiet little baby can even yell like that? Allison Joanne, you keep surprising me every single day more and more." Bradley chuckled as he picked Ally up into his arms, tickling her tummy.

"Can you blame her? It's the Italian genes." Stefani laughed, making Bradley laugh as well.

"Most definitely." He grinned. "Baby, hide behind that couch again, I want to try something."

"Sure." Stefani giggled and did what Bradley told her.

"Where did mommy go? Ally, we should find her, what do you say? Where's mommy?" Bradley asked the little blue-eyed baby in his arms who was curiously looking at him. He walked to the couch and peeked behind it with Ally, who immediately began squealing and laughing when she saw Stefani there.

"There is mommy!"

"Oh, how much I love when she laughs like this." Stefani smiled and kissed her little feet. "Mommy's happy baby."

"Ba-ba-ba-ba." The little one reached for Stefani and she then took her from Bradley's arms.

"Who's my happy baby? You are!" Stefani said in a sweet voice and Ally grinned, showing her bottom tooth, which came out a few days ago.

"A-ma-ma-ma." Ally babbled and then put her tiny hand into her mouth, chewing on it.

Stefani was just standing there, frozen.

"B, was it- was it finally it? Did she really say it?"

"I think she did, baby." Bradley smiled lovingly at her.

"Oh, my god. Ally, sweet pea, you said mama!" She teared up and kissed her daughter's little cheeks. "I was starting to think that this moment will never come..."

Bradley hugged both of them, being extremely happy for Stefani. Their little baby finally managed to babble "mama".

"See? It only took a little more time than saying "dada", but she did it." He murmured against Stefani's temple, placing there a gentle kiss afterwards.

"She did it."

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