Chapter Twenty-Five

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Aelin had to admit, the interior of the Autumn King's mansion was utterly beautiful. Autumn leaves were wrapped around the hand-rails of the double grand staircases, golden fae-orbs floating in the cool air. Stunning beings in varying shades of orange and gold milled around the foyer and nearby ballroom, polite laughter and chatter filtering through the halls.

Bryce grabbed three chutes of bubbling champagne from a passing waiter, handing them around to Feyre and Aelin. Feyre flicked her wrist subtly, and Aelin suddenly felt her daggers and knives fall back into place in the hidden pockets of her gown and bodice. Bryce jerked a little, but not too much for it to look suspicious. "Alright. You ready?" She asked.

They nodded, and Aelin took a large gulp of her drink. Bryce arched a brow. "Take it easy on the alcohol. We have a heist to commit, remember?"

Aelin downed the rest of her champagne. "Oh, let your hair down, Quinlan. We're at a party, after all."

Bryce murmured and prayer to whatever gods they worshipped, and Feyre bit back a laugh. Aelin passed the empty chute back onto another passing tray before smoothing down the skirts of her gown. "Okay. Feyre, let's go."

Grabbing her hand, Aelin and Feyre weaved their way through the masses, trying not to trip over their skirts. They paused on the side of the ballroom, watching as couples waltzed to a pretty, light tune. Aelin snorted, crossing her arms. "Gods, can this get any more boring?"

"Well, its about to get a lot more interesting." Feyre glanced at her, and in the blink of an eye, the High Lady's hair was an obnoxious shade of blonde, and her eyes a light brown. Her lips thinned, and her nose lengthened a little. Her body shape changed, too. Her hips and shoulders slimmed her chest shrinking, and her height growing by a few centimetres. She had changed from Feyre Archeon to a fancy, posh-looking female in a milosecond.

Aelin gently placed a hand on her cheek. "Are you sure?" Guilt swirled in her gut.

Feyre's jaw tensed. "Just do it. I've been through worse."

Aelin took a deep breath, then summoned her power. Fire blasted through her palm, and Feyre cried out, falling dramatically to the fall. A hand-print, burnt dark red and blistering feverishly, was imprinted on her cheek. "Help!" She screamed, and Aelin began to run across the dance floor, shoving people harshly out of her way. "Its one of the escaped criminals! Help!"

Immediately, the guards standing at the entrances jolted, and began to sprint towards Aelin. She leapt up onto the food table, kicking over plates of delicious-smelling food. Stooping down low to quickly swipe up an apple, she stuck it in her mouth before bolting down the table. Bryce had said she just needed to be arrested; she never said anything about it not being dramatic.

Bryce had also warned that the guards would be armed to the teeth with guns, tasers, and crossbows, all of which she demonstrated back at her apartment. So, Aelin knew what to expect as they began firing bullet at her.

Using the sharp edge of her heel, she kicked a massive titanium tray, catching it and using it to deflect the hail of bullets shooting towards her. She used the tray to protect her middle and chest, while kicking bursts of flame from her feet towards the guards.

Though she was planning on being caught and being held in the dungeons of the mansion, she wasn't expecting the sharp, stinging pain in her lower back. Her head flung backwards, gaping as a guard shove the taser into her skin. The half-eaten apple fell from her mouth. She collapsed to her knees, the skirts of her dress staining from the food. She blinked dazedly, and barely had time to register what was happening before a fist collided with her temple, effectively knocking her out. Or, that's what the guards thought.


I wasn't fully faking the tears that slid down my cheeks as some guards helped me to my feet, party-goers crowding around me.

"Miss, are you alright?" A young looking guard asked, his face concerned.

My bottom lip trembled, and I whimpered. "I'm... I'm not sure." I tenderly touched my hot cheek. I took the extended arm of the guard, getting shakily to my feet. I stumbled into him, crying out. "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"No, its quite alright," the guard said, oblivious as I swiped his key-card from his jacket. "Please, follow me to the infirmary."

I nodded, swiping at tears on my good cheek. Though there was no need for me to go to the infirmary since I could heal myself, but I needed to play along. I glanced over at the destroyed food table, where guards were dragging Aelin's limp body away. I prayed to the Mother that she would be alright.

I leaned heavily on the guards shoulder, and let him guide me to said infirmary. I kept my eyes glued to the halls, bringing up a mental image of the map Bryce had showed me. As soon as I noticed the large, golden statue of naked woman with wings sprouting from her back-the marker Bryce had told me to look out for- I turned with a wince to the guard. "Sorry about this. You really were very nice to me."

He opened his mouth, confusion crossing his face, but had no time to stop me before I quickly pinched a pressure point on the back of his neck, effectively knocking him out cold.

Before he could land loudly on the ground, I grabbed his slumped body and dragged him behind that statue, hiding his body from view. I dusted off my hands, letting out a small sigh of relief as I shifted back to my normal appearance. 

I began to run, kicking off my inpractical heels as I turned left at the statue, then right at a massive decorative pot, just like Bryce had told me to. Within a few seconds, I arrived at a set of dress with a sign that said, SURVILLENCE ROOM.

I swiped the key-card against the metal keypad, and the doors fizzed open. Two guards turned in their seats, opening their mouths to shout. I quickly winnowed to either side of them, lashing out with my fists. For the second time that evening, the guards fell to the ground.

I slipped into a chair, a slight sense of panic overtaking me as I studied the array of buttons in varying shapes and sizes and colours. A glance up showed me the hundereds of moving pictures, showing where people were in the mansion. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes then re-opening them. I didn't have much time, so I would have to work fast.

I put one hand on my cheek, summoning Helion's healing power as I began to tap out a code into a large pad to my right.

"5739591" I muttered the strange code under my breath as my fingers tapped each number.

There was a beep, and then a monotone female voice said, "security cameras deactivated. Alarm's deactivated.".

I blinked, honestly a little shocked that it worked, before hurrying out of the room, shutting the doors behind me. A few prods to my cheek confirmed it had healed fully. I guess I could thank Thesan for that.

My first mission- done. Now, time to move on to the next one.

a/n hey loves! we're reaching the climax of the story! YAYYYY

ok so uhhh i will try to post a new chapter each day as there arent many left (sad sad) and i can't wait for you to see what i have planned!


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