Chapter Sixteen

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Aelin and Feyre dived down deep into the inky darkness, their gills easily taking the oxygen from the water. To be honest, she had never really expected her spell to work. She just prayed to Wyrd that no-one wiped the marks away- on purpose, or by accident.

Feyre swam close by her, her dark tail causing bubbles to rise to the surface. "Are you sure there are Mer down here?" She asked quietly, the gills on her neck gaping.

"Hopefully. What else would be down-"

There was a burst of water as a Mer appeared before them, his auburn hair floating above his head. He banished a large trident, tiger stripes snaking up his arms. He narrowed suspicious eyes at them. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"My name is Nimue, and this is Pandora." Aelin replied smoothly, diving into her new persona unnervingly easily.

His orange and black tail slashed through the water. "That's not enough information."

The lie rolled effortlessly off her tongue. "We hail from the north. Our city was under attack, and Pandora and I fled south. This is the first place we've come across."

"There are no colonies in the north."

Shit. "It's a small, travelling village. We're very discreet and hidden."

"Well, then, who attacked you?"

"Bounty hunters. Mer tails are a new fashion trend there."

The Mer paused, deliberating their lie, then said, "You are welcome to stay as long as you need. I will contact The River Queen and she will provide accommodation."

Aelin bowed her head, grasping Feyre's hand as she forced a blush. "Thank you. You are very kind..."

"Tharion," the Mer said, his trident settling by his side. "Welcome to the House of Many Waters."


Hunt slammed his fist onto the table, swearing fiercely. I ran my hands through my hair, my starlight receding back into my body. "Fuck."

"Where the fuck did they go? And how the Hel did she do that?"

"Apparently, it's called winnowing. And there's something else you need to know." She relayed back to him everything those lunatics had told her.

He growled. "Do you seriously believe this bullshit?"

"Of course not. What matters now is that we find them."

"And how are we going to do that?" Hunt threw his hands in the air.

Bryce narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't get pissy at me. I'm the one who was smart enough to pretend to trust them and learn a pile of information."

"But what good is that now? We still don't know where they are."

Bryce sighed, slumping against the kitchen bench. "We should let everyone know that we have two convicts on the loose; again."

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