Chapter Six

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Aelin sprinted down the hall, her bare feet skidding over the slippery tiles. That wailing sound ringing in her arms, she came to a sudden halt, breathing in deep.

The scent of lilac and pear floated down from a hallway to her left. Feyre.

Turning on heel, she ran in the direction of her scent. Though she didn't pass anyone, she heard pounding footsteps and barked orders.

She stopped before a glass door, leading into a hallway identical to the one her own cell was in. Using the stolen card, she swiped it on the metal pad and ran through the corridor, looking into the cells for Feyre.

She was in the last cell, utterly unconscious on her little bed. Swiping open the door, Aelin dropped to her knees beside her limp form, that siren giving her a headache.

"Feyre!" She shouted, shaking her roughly. "Wake up!" She didn't stir.

Swearing harshly, she swung Feyre's body over her shoulders, hauling her out of the cell. She ran as fast as she could out of the cell hallway and back into the main body of the building, trying to find her way out.

She came to a panting halt as two guards appeared in their path. "Stop right there-" One yelled, but Aelin had already swung out her leg, flame burst from her foot. The guards shouted as they flew backwards, but Aelin was already gone.

Luging Feyre on her shoulders, she gasped for breath, sweat dripping down her back. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a horrible, burning pain shot through her thigh. Aelin screamed, falling forward. Tears stinging her eyes, as turned her head with a hiss to a man, who was holding an odd weapon in his hand. Massive, grey feathered wings back over his muscled shoulders.

"You're not going anywhere," the male said, and Aelin recognised him as the voice from the interrogation room. She bared her teeth at him.

"Go die in a hole," she snarled, blooding dripping from her exposed thigh.

"Have it your way," the male growled, then punched her in the side of the head, obviously intending to knock her out.

Aelin's head flung back, blood spurting from her temple as stars danced in her vision. Dropping Feyre, she flung out her good leg, hitting the male in the groin. He groaned, bending over slightly, and she took her advantage and slammed her head into his nose. Ignoring his dripping nose, he grabbed her by the roots of her hair.

She cried out, scrambling and fighting to loosen his grip, but he didn't relent. He delivered four swift, concise punches to her pressure points on her arms and legs. Unable to move, Aelin turned to her last resort.

Summoning up her power, she opened her mouth and spat fire.

White-hot flame spewed from her mouth like a hurricane. The male dropped her, raising an armoured forearm to block her fire. It singed away the leather and metal, leaving an angry looking burn mark on his arm.

The male hissed, "Fuck," the went to grab the knife at his hip...

...Just as a blast of ice froze him in his spot, turning him to a living icicle.

Aelin turned to Feyre, who stood on wobbly legs, her hand stretched out. She dropped to her knees beside Aelin, gently helping her to her feet. She inspected the small bit of metal lodged in her through from the strange weapon. "I'll heal that later," Feyre said, then half carried, half helped Aelin to run down the hall. "For now, lets just focus on getting out of this gods-forsaken place."

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