16. people will say we're in love

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16. people will say we're in love
"Don't sigh and gaze at me. Your sighs are so like mine. Your eyes mustn't glow like mine. People will say we're in love."


Taehyung plays with his wedding ring.

he still hasn't had the time to take it off. he knows he could've easily slipped it off during a recording session or walking down the street thoughtlessly. but no, he needed to be ready and present. now that he is, he slips off the band that no longer ties him to the first woman he ever fell in love with.

they were young and simply obeying their parents wishes. somewhere along the line, Taehyung favoured the life he needed over the woman who stuck by his side. so much so that she got an abortion because he wouldn't even be home. he remembers being furious and upset, he had cried.

he simply places the ring onto the glass, coffee table in his apartment. Yoongi, seated beside him– watches his face turn in sadness. he knows his friend and knows that he is sad that his marriage broke down because of him. truth is, all three of them– including Yoongi, knew that Taehyung would mess it up. adultery? Yoongi saw that coming too.

Yoongi gazes at the ground, watching Taehyung from the corner of his eye– what is he thinking? there's a blend of negative emotion... frustration, sadness, shame, pity and disappointment. however, in the midst of the shadowy feelings, there is huge relief.

relief that he can move on now.

even though he already moved on when he first offered himself to a woman that wasn't his wife.

Yoongi decides to cut the silence that lays between them. the radio has also stopped strangely– cackling with technical noises. he doesn't know what to talk about so he starts with the first thing that pops into his mind, "i'm glad the war is over." he mentions, not making an effort to distract the boy from his sullen mood. however, he unconsciously does.

"yet they still hate me." Taehyung shrugs, not happy or at all bothered. however, from what he says, he clearly is bothered. a people pleaser at heart– just like everyone else as questioning thoughts and wicked statements circle his head.

Yoongi scoffs, smirk wiping over his face. "can you blame them?" he nudges his friend playfully– teasing him just like he used to when they were younger.

Taehyung glares back playfully. "what did you just say?"

Yoongi reaches for his go-to cigarettes but the packet is further than what he can reach. he leans back in frustration, crossing one leg over the other. "you can't blame them... you did get away with not going." he mentions. when the war was in distress, Yoongi watched his friend use his deranged ear as an excuse to not fight for his country. Yoongi himself, also couldn't but his disability is ongoing– unlike Taehyung's ear that doesn't necessarily affect everyday life massively. his ear is barely deformed, just odd looking because of a rough birth.

"oh yes," Taehyung rolls his eyes. "blame the ear."

Yoongi leans forward, teasing him even more. "i will blame the ear."

"don't go joining all those men who hate me." Taehyung laughs– also teasing but there's truth hidden behind his words. his words are laced with evident fear, almost a pleas of 'don't leave me and see what everyone else sees.' "you're the only loyal one." he squeezes Yoongi's shoulder.

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