🟥 🟥 Red Fury Time #2

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**************PART 26**************

Two days later, at the Thundercrows hideout in Tungsten Square. Marlin reads his favourite magazine while his team is playing table tennis for fun. A happy go lucky Timothy was writing in his notes. He was eager to race his pen and used his mind to write down today's events.

It was a weekend which the Thundercrows have no class to attend. No school and no things to worry about. Those chilling moments were about to last any longer. Suddenly, a loud door bangs and forces it to open, causing Marlin and the others to draw their attention.

"Boss! I got news!" One of the Thundercrows shouted after slamming the door. His entrance managed to interrupt their peaceful habits when Marlin rubbed his head and begins to ask,

"It's the Red Fury!! He's back and he's beating our team! In the morning!"

"What?!" Marlin jumped out, blinking his eyes and stunned back. He looked at his team who turned to him and waited for his order. He clenched his fist, thinking of what the Red Fury had done to them, twitching his eyes like he was very upset. "Can you show me where he is?!"

In the Back Alley,

Marlin and the gang, which they call themselves as Thundercrows stood up quietly, waiting for someone. Timothy was worried about this dark peaceful place that someone higher on their level could beat them up much like the same as the stranger called Red Fury.

However, it's been twenty minutes since they're waiting for Red Fury. Marlin folded his arms and stomped his left leg again as he grew impatient.

"That's it! This wimpy son of a slime bastard won't show up! If you're a man, come and fight me!"

Marlin was expected to fight the Red Fury again. Even in the morning and night, he was really willing to confront him so that his team won't be ambushed and tortured again. In the end, the Red Fury didn't come and Marlin clenched his fist and was disappointed.

His screams and curses won't reach the stranger's ears and what he did was he couldn't find out who he was. His team are starting to feel bad at themselves by looking at their desperate leader who needs to fight the mysterious stranger.

"Sorry...leader..we aren't strong enough to fight.." The spiky haired boy said, speaking softly as if he's already given up. Marlin doesn't bother to listen to his wimpy voice but he can't stop ignoring it.

"What are you saying? This is not a playful chance to look down on yourself!"

"It's not that leader... it's just... that Red Fury wants to beat us weaklings down instead of you..." One of the team said it. He didn't look back to his leader who is upset right now. "The Red Fury only seeks us in order for you to be afraid. I don't know what I'm doing right now. We were supposed to be the highest score rating group in the arcade and why? Why do we fight?! Tell us, Leader!"

Marlin became speechless, realizing he's taking responsibility for his team. This put up a pain to his stomach. Even if he hadn't fought the Red Fury, he would feel bad of himself for not protecting his friends. In the first place, all he did was lead his team to play arcade games, getting the first prize and being the first high score team in Tungsten Square. Right now, he is dealing with a strange Red Fury guy who fights and bullies them despite them not doing anything to him. So he decided to encourage his team.

"Isn't that obvious? To get stronger..." Marlin determines as he stares at them, trying to give hope before he replies,

"I can't say what's going to happen to us. I haven't met this Red Fury but I can't forgive him for what he did to you guys. We own this place, we own the score but, we'll never be afraid! The reason we have to fight is not just to be famous around Tungsten Square but to be stronger to fight an opponent we'll never beat!"

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