Section 4 (new)

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Christmas was upon hogwarts and children everywhere were getting packed up for a trip home to see their families. Harry came down that morning and draco was sitting by the tree. "What are you doing down there draco?" Harry asked. "You'll miss the train."

"Being nosy." He replies. "I have a little time. Here is one for you." He says pushing it aside. "It's light, probably a sweater."

"Wait... are you sure it's for me? He asks, stepping over to the box. "I never get any presents."

Draco stops and stares at harry. "Never?"

Harry shakes his head. He picks up the box and reads the card. "It is for me." He can't contain his excitement as he rips the box open. He pulls a long cloak from the box and looks at it.

"It's kind of ugly." Draco mumbles.

Harry shrugs. "But I bet it's warm." He flips it over his shoulders and his body disappears. "Oh my merlin!! I have disappeared?!" Harry replies.

"An invisibility cloak?!? Wow that is cool!" Draco stands up from the floor. "Can I see it?"

Harry nods and hands it to draco. "Sure." Seeing it in action he realized just how cool it was. He saw a small note in the box and when he read the note he found out the cloak had once belonged to his father. "My dad had this?" He wondered.

"Hey! Potter! I'm a haunted lantern!" Draco says holding up a lantern outside the cloak.

Harry laughs. "Yeah."

Draco replaces the lantern and gives harry his gift back. "Man I never get anything this cool."

"Sorry." Harry chuckles. "Maybe next year."

Draco chuckles. "Well nothing looked interesting so I guess I will go get my suitcase." He mumbles heading for the stairs.

He returns a few minutes later with his suitcase followed by a few other students with faith trailing in the back of the bunch. All of them were hauling big suitcases. Draco walked over to harry as the other kids left the commons area to catch the train. "I'll see ya in a few days. Try not to have too much fun without me."

"As if I could." Harry replies. "I will make sure I keep note of anything interesting that happens while you're gone."

"Come on malfoy! we'll miss the train?!" Faith says from the exit.

Draco nods. "Gotta dash." He runs after faith and the door slips shut behind them.

Harry looks around. It's kind of weirdly quiet without any people. Most have gone home for the holiday. He frowns to himself. "I'm already bored."

A few minutes later harry is flipping his new cloak over his arm and then off and then back on watching his arm disappear. He has switched over to seeing if it works on furniture when a voice clears behind him. He turns and sees pansey standing behind him. "Oh. I don't think we've had a moment to talk." He says.

Pansey kind of glances away. "You should be careful about faith."

"What?" He questions.

"She always mentioned she was a little jealous at how easy draco was able to make friends. She talked about him alot. I think she went back to him to try to make me jealous."

Harry thinks about it for a moment. "Well are you?"

Pansey turns a bit red. "No i... I'm not even sort of jealous!?! Not at all!" She blurts out. "I just... i just wanted to warn you..."

Harry nods. "Warn me."

Pansy sighs. "We fought a few weeks ago. I realized she has a darkside that is very scary. Just... be careful ok?"

Harry Potter: Harry SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now