*Chapter 1: The Sorting Hat

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(Edited: 11-25-2016 i spaced it out a bit more, and re-wrote some lines)

The boy looked up at the old women standing in front of the crowd of children. "Hello and welcome to Hogwarts. You will follow me into the Great Hall where you will be sorted into your houses. The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you're here your house is like your family. Triumphs will win you points, Any rule breaking and you will lose points." the old woman turns around and walked through a set of big doors behind her. The first years were so excited all but young Mr. Potter who had only just heard about magic being real yesterday. When Hagrid, the groundskeeper, had busted into his aunt and uncle's house and told him he was a wizard. He still couldn't believe it was all real, and kept pinching himself on the arm trying to wake himself up.

"Now when I call your name you will please come up. I will put the hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione granger." the old woman said and the girl harry had seen on the train stepped up and sat on the small stool. Suddenly the hat spoke "hm... Gryffindor!" the hat yelled and the Gryffindor exploded with applause. 

The old woman whose name harry had missed looked down at her clipboard again "Ronald weasley!" she called and the boy, with whom harry at sat on the train, stepped forward. The hat spoke "hm... another weasley I know just what to do ... Gryffindor!" again the hall erupted with applause. 

"Draco Malfoy!" the old woman called and before the hat even touched his head it had chosen his house "Slytherin!" the hat yelled the Slytherin table erupted with screams and yells for the new Slytherin first year. 

"Harry potter!" McGonagall called and the hall grew silent not even the sound of a cricket could be heard. Harry stepped forward and that hat was placed on his head. "Hm... very tricky you have a great mind there's no doubt about that. either house would fit you perfectly but where to put you. Hm... I know! Slytherin!" the Slytherin table erupted louder than they had before and harry walked over slowly wondering if this house would be good for him or if he should have asked for a different one, or if it was even possible to ask for a different one. 

Harry sat down next Draco ignoring the rest of the sorting and looking around the Slytherin table. 

Draco gave Harry's shoulder a light punch and congratulated him on making Slytherin." hey potter, only the best get in this house your lucky potter."

Dumbledore the headmaster of the school stood after the sorting was finished and spoke "well now that we are all in our houses I have a few announcements. First off the first years note that door to the right and the third floor corridor is out of bounds to those of you who do not wish to die a most painful death. With that said let the feast begin." after the headmaster spoke harry noticed piles of all kinds of food appearing on the table before him. 

Draco noticed that harry looked at the food as if he'd never eaten before and asked him "why are you looking at it as if you've never in your life had a meal potter." Draco raised one of his eye brows. 

"Oh sorry you see where I live with my aunt and uncle they have never a reason to feed me. I've been making my own meals since I can remember, but never anything like this" he looked around for anything good to eat. 

"Surly potter, you must be joking don't they fear you?" Draco asks with the most surprised look he was sure he'd ever made, as if someone had just stupefied him. 

"Well they've had no reason to fear me they never told me I was a wizard so I didn't know I could have done anything." harry found some potatoes and some chicken and scooped them onto his plate. 

"So you're not just acting you really haven't seen food before? Well that's bloody daft isn't it potter. Oh well you got good friends now and those bloody relatives of yours give you any trouble you let me know and I'll send my father to make an impression on them." Draco grinned a half grin then scooped his own plate.

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