Chapter One

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Zay was never the type to have friends. No one wanted to be friends with her anyway. Everyone was too afraid of her. Of course the first friend she made happened to be imprisoned at the moment, with the entire Ungonalo government doing god knows what to her. And Zay was helpless again. She hated being helpless. After what happened to her as a child, she never wanted to be helpless again.

Zay pulled her arms in as she slid through the shute. She was sliding at a terrifying speed, and was starting to get scratched by the bumpy metal. She bit back a cry as she was hurdled onto a pile of trash. Jade was there, waiting. She pulled Zay to her feet, and tried to drag her forwards.

"Stop! We can't leave without Kira!" Zay screamed, pulling back. Jade hesitated. Pain flashed through her green eyes as she studied Zay. Pain and something else. She didn't have time to figure out what.

"There isn't any time. We have to leave, right now. We can find Jay and Iona, then come back for her. You know that she would want us to get out of here as fast as possible." Jade gripped her wrist tighter. Tears slid down Zay's face. Jay. She was in danger. Alone with Iona. Who knows how far away. Who knows how much more time she had? Zay shook.

"Ok. Where is the ship?" Zay looked around. The trash heaps were huge. Pilling up in all directions. She had no idea how they would ever find the sky ship in a mess like this. Jade started running.

"Where are you going?" Zay yelled, tripping over the pieces of garbage as she tried to keep up. Jade was way too fast and Zay was way too slow. She was panting by the time she caught up with Jade. Jade was grinning. She stood in front of the sky ship, which was somehow still in perfect condition. Somehow still usable. Zay sprinted forwards. She climbed inside, and began to try to turn it on as fast as possible. The engine was not working. She cursed under her breath, and stepped back outside to see what the problem was. Zay cursed again.

"It's broken." The words hung heavily in the air.

"Excuse me?" Jade glanced at the engine herself. Zay sat down, and put her head in her hands.

"The engine won't work. We need to replace it, but where on earth are we going to find another engine?" She sighed. Jade looked around.

"Well, we probably aren't the only people that lost their sky ship to Ungonalo. In fact, I think I see a few more over there. No one else is out here. We can replace it." Jade began walking over to an abandoned sky ship. Zay followed, feeling hollow on the inside. This was useless. Jade didn't seem like she was giving up. The second that she saw that this engine was also broken, Jade just turned around and checked the next sky ship. Zay looked at the enormous building that was now fading into the distance. No one really was coming out to get them. After at least two hours of searching, Jade waved her arms excitedly as Zay.

"Found one!" She indeed was dragging an engine over her shoulder when she approached Zay again. Jade smiled.

"Will this do?" She asked with an annoying I told you so grin. Zay nodded.

"It will. Give me that." She worked as fast as she could to replace the engine, occasionally looking over her shoulder. Replacing an engine by herself was harder then she thought it would be, and it took a while, but it worked. It was finally ready. Zay stepped inside, and motioned for Jade to follow. Jade sat down, and closed her eyes, sighing with relief. Zay began to flip the familiar switches, sadly smiling. She took a deep breath, and pulled upwards into the sky. The sounds of shouting filled Zay's ears. Guards rushing everywhere.

"I'll be back Kira. I promise." She whispered. Zay closed her eyes, and gripped the controls. Just before she could blast away, something heavy landed on the glass roof. It almost sounded like a bird hit it. Instead of flying straight up, Zay flew away in a straight line.

"Jade, what was that?" She asked, beginning to pick up speed. Jade laughed.

"Open the roof."


"Just do it." Jade smirked. Zay slowly opened the glass, and am exhausted, half passed out Kira landed on the floor. Hard. 

The One Thousandth Gravity Breaker book two: The sound of waterWhere stories live. Discover now