Chapter Two

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Jay jumped.

"Who are you!? What do you want from me." She felt for the water around her. Water in the cave was everywhere. It didn't help that the annoying blob named Iona also happened to be there. When Jay felt the body of this new person, she clenched her fist, moving the water to the ground.

"What the? Stop that! They're just a harmless human." The annoying blob named Iona swatted at Jay.

The world was dark. Jay couldn't see anything. She hadn't been able to see anything for a while. But she could feel. She could feel every drop of water around her. The water in people just felt like an extension of herself. Which was why Jay could control people so easily. She could always feel them. She could feel the annoying blob lining up to swat her again. Jay made a second fist, and Iona fell to the ground as well.

"Who are you!?" She screamed at the new person. They were on the smaller side, and not very strong.

"I'm, I'm, I'm just Nolan." A boys voice called out from the new blob.

"What are you doing in this cave, and what do you want from us?" Jay tightened the water, and heard the boy wince.

"I just was exploring! I should have never broken the rules! There are creepy people out here." Nolan whimpered. He definitely wasn't a threat.

"I couldn't agree with you more." Iona snorted. Jay realised Nolan, and tightened her grip on Iona.

"Hey! Ow! Watch it!" Iona tried to twist away, but of course she couldn't. Jay smiled, satisfied, and let Iona go.

"If by creepy people you mean you, annoying blob, then I agree as well." Jay said to Iona. Jay could feel Iona turn invisible, and try to sneak up on her. She could tell by the way her water was tainted. Jay made a fist again, and Iona was frozen in her tracks. Unable to move.

"Idiot. I can't see you to begin with." Jay laughed. The figure of Nolan stiffened.

"How are you doing that?" He gasped. Jay realised Iona, and turned back to him.

"It's called natural abilities. If you want to report us, I'll snap your neck. Don't bother trying to run." Jay's face darkened. She certainly didn't want to snap this boy's neck, but if she had to choose between his neck and hers, she couldn't hesitate.

"Geez. Dark much." Iona mumbled.

"Shut up." Jay shot back. She felt Nolan shake his head frantically.

"No! I am a water manipulator too! We all are! I just wanted to know how you can control people like that!" He cried, taking a step back.

"We?" Iona asked. He nodded.

"Yeah! Our civilization! I guess you probably haven't heard about it, considering how we have been trying to stay underground for so long." Nolan thought for a moment. An idea appeared in Jay's head. Maybe they could stay with whoever this strange new person was for a little while. It was certainly a better idea than just waiting around under a seaside cave for her sister to show up. If she was ever going to show up.

"Can you take us to these people?" Jay asked him. The boy nodded his head.

"I guess, as long as you don't break anyone's neck." He said it in a joking way, but Jay could hear the fear behind the words.

"She won't." Iona conformed.

"Let me speak for myself, annoying blob." Jay shot at her. Iona glared at her.

"Stop calling me that! Would you break their neck?" A beat of silence passed.


"That's what I said. Now let's go before it gets dark." As she walked through the cave, Nolan took the lead while Iona dragged Jay along. It made her angry that she needed Iona to help her through the rocks, but Jay wasn't in a position to complain. She almost never was anymore. Even though all she ever wanted to do was speak her mind. Of course Jay always did when the opportunity arose. Probably why she didn't get along with Iona. Because they had a very similar personality. But they had very different childhoods. Jay shuffled along, keeping her head up. Trying not to cry, knowing very well that her sister and two other people she had been traveling with for so long might be dead. Nolan stopped in his tracks. Jay groaned. There was a large pool of water. The entrance way to the mysterious civilization. A pool. How on earth were the three of them going to get through a pool?

The One Thousandth Gravity Breaker book two: The sound of waterWhere stories live. Discover now