Chapter nine

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The next few days under the sea cliffs were busy, to say the least. Amelie forced Jay to help her get a better grip over her ability. She was already so much more powerful. She could feel it. Jay knew that Amelie could feel it too. Iona watched each lesson, interjecting whenever Jay got too harsh with her language. Interestingly, Nolan kept joining them. He loved to mindlessly chat with Iona, laughing as she almost never reacted to anything he said. Jay almost felt bad for him. He seemed so hungry for just a little bit of attention. One day, Amelie stood up, and brushed off her way to poofy(In Jay's mind) Dress. Then again, she did hate dresses all together.

"Thank you for everything Jay. I am in deep debt to you. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" She asked. At first, nothing came to mind. But....

"Actually, there is. Is there some way I could send a message to my sister from here? If she is alive, I don't want her to get killed by rushing over here as fast as she possibly can." She shuttered. Zay very rarely freaked out. But when she did, it got messy.

"Oh! Of course! If they are flying in a sky ship, you can send a direct hologram message to her. This way." She happily bounced down the hallway. She followed, glad to no longer need anyone to drag her along. Iona followed too, while Nolan trailed Iona, still chatting away.

"Here we are," Amelie started tapping at a strange machine, "Just click the green button to start and stop recording. Then enter in the type of ship they are flying in, and the number." Amelie grinned. After leaving a half hearted message, Jay felt slightly more full of hope. She had a feeling that her sister was going to watch it.

"Anyway, if you have another request, let me know. Today I am going to risk my life, so I want to be in as little dept as possible. Then again, if this works, I will never be able to thank you enough." Amelie bowed, making her feel super awkward. No one had bowed to Jay before. Much less a princess. It almost made her forget the tail end of what she said. But Iona certainly didn't forget.

"I'm sorry, but did you say risk your life? What are you going to do?" She asked, her heart rate increasing. Amelie stood up.

"Aw, are you worried about me? Don't worry, everything will be fine." She smiled sweetly. Jay choked back laughter as Iona's face turned nuclear. Her ribs hurt from the pressure she was holding. Somehow the annoying blob didn't punch her, but instead continued to be persistent.

"But what are you going to do?" She asked, not dropping the subject.

"Follow me, girl who can taint her water." She waved her arm. Where were they going? Amelie passed by servant after servant, nodding hello. She went upstairs, down stairs, and through long, twisting hallways. Iona glanced at Jay. She shrugged. Finally, Amelie stopped at two large doors. On the inside, the water queen was sitting with five other people. Guards lining the outside. What was going on? Probably a war meeting. But what on earth was Amelie doing here? She stepped forwards, but the guards stopped her.

"Sorry, princess Amelie. But you can not enter. This is a classified meeting." One guard said in a deep voice.

"That's ok. You can let me through. I don't plan to listen in, I just have a very important message for her." Amelie persisted.

"You can tell me, and I will deliver the message. You are not allowed to enter." They insisted.

"Is that so? Because it's not something that I want you to tell her. And it is urgent." Amelie held her head up.

"I'm sorry, what is going on?" Iona interjected. The guard shook their head.

"Then you will have to wait until her meeting is over." They stepped back, going back to guarding the door. Amelie smirked.

"That is definitely not going to happen." She lifted her fist, and clenched it how Jay showed her too. The guard fell to the ground, pinned by their own water in their own blood and bone. When the second guard reacted, Amelie did the same to them.

"Dude." Iona said, taken aback. Amelie grinned at her.

"Told you it was important. Sorry my dear guards. I'll let you go in a minute. But first, I have a rather important message." She stepped over their stiff pinned bodies, and opened the great doors. The queen's head snapped in her direction.

"Amelie," she hissed, "What are you doing, and how did you make it past the guards. Get out. This meeting is for queens and generals only." She glared at her daughter, trying not to yell.

"I'm sorry ms. Queen, but this couldn't wait." Amelie released her grip on the guards, but they stayed on the floor, shaking. The queen's eyes widened.

"Queen Jilinena, I challenge you for the throne." She raised her arm, staring her mother down. Jay and Iona gasped in unison. The generals in the room watched them both, their heads whipping back and forth. The water queen's eyes turned to ice. She slowly stood up.

"Very well. I accept your challenge. Let's fight tonight just before sunset. In the ring." Jay froze. She remembered what Amelie said.

"I'm almost definitely going to murder her when I'm an adult." Except this battle was a lot sooner.

The One Thousandth Gravity Breaker book two: The sound of waterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz