Chapter three

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Zay slammed on the autopilot control, and ran over to Kira's side. She had a few cuts here and there, but everything else had already healed. Kira angrily mumbled something.

"What? I can't hear you." Zay brought her over to a chair.

"I hate my mother." Kira mumbled. Jade shot her a look.

"And you say that because...?" Jade waited. Kira took a deep, shuttering breath.

"Supreme Master Comna. Is my mother. My mother is supreme Master Comna. She put me in a chest of magninmum, after I passed out from being shot so many times. I escaped, and broke through a little window, and ran on top of the roof. Of course I was spotted. I was about to start a mass murder because it was the only way to escape, when the sky ship happened to be a few yards away from me. So I jumped onto the roof, and here I am." Her eyes were bloodshot, almost streaked in blood.

"That is... quite something. I'm so glad you made it back ok! We are going to find Iona and Jay, then you can head straight to the next temples. The war will be over soon enough." Zay patted her shoulder.

"Yeah. One way or another. My mom wants to use me. She wants to be the one leader of the world, and use me as a weapon if anyone disobeys her." Kira closed her eyes, and tilted her head back. Jade looked vaguely scared.

"That certainly doesn't sound fun. I'll go make some tea for us now." She slowly backed towards the corner of the ship, eyeing them.

"Who says you have to? You aren't your mother. She can't control you like a dog. She can't break you." Zay began to steer the ship again, taking it out of auto pilot. Kira sighed.

"It just hurts. It hurts to know how long she kept all of this from me. The lies that underlined my everyday life. She wanted me to go to the prisons. She knew the more I trained, the more likely I would react during the test with my gravity breaking. But, I'm glad I did. I'm glad I met you." She smiled slightly, even though her eyes held many tears. Zay smiled, and looked. Over her shoulder.

"I'm glad I met you too." A moment of silence fell between them. Of course Jade interrupted.

"Aw, isn't that sweet? Now how long until we arrive at the sea cliffs? Kind of worried about the two that were left behind." Jade stirred her tea, looking at Zay. She scrolled through her time screen.

"About two days. Hopefully they won't get into too much trouble in that time." Zay could tell that the real worry hung heavy on everyone's shoulders.

Hopefully they would still be alive. 

The One Thousandth Gravity Breaker book two: The sound of waterWhere stories live. Discover now