Chapter four

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"So, is this where we part, annoying blob?" Jay felt the pool nervously.

"No! If I'm starving to death, you're coming down with me!" She hissed, moving to Jay's side. Nolan rolled his eyes. Or at least Jay though he did from the way the water in his eyes moved.

"No one has to be left behind. It's a tunnel." The waves began to tremble. The water split, being lifted aside.

"Uh, do we just jump in there?" Iona asked, leaning over the hole. Nolan nodded.

"Yes. After you." He gestured towards the hole. No way was she going to look squeamish in front of Iona. Jay jumped without hesitation. Might have been a little bit stupid, but oh well. She was falling. Faster. Faster. Faster. Just before Jay was about to lose it, and use water to climb out, she landed on something squishy. A padded floor. A few seconds late, Iona landed next to her, sputtering. Nolan came last, laughing all the way. They were in a city. An underwater city. Somewhere under sea cliffs.

"Why are you acting like this isn't a big deal?" Nolan turned to Jay. Jay smirked.

"If there is some big scene, I can't see it."

"She's blind." Iona clarified. Nolan paused.

"Then why can you manipulate water? Can you see it? Nevermind. Follow me. I'll take you to my parents. They're really nice, don't worry." He began to jog along, while Iona trailed, tugging Jay by the wrist. What kind of idiot was he? You don't manipulate water by seeing it, you feel it.

"I can tell there are hundreds of buildings and people. What does it look like?" Jay felt the water in her surroundings. This place was so weird.

"It's-it's carved from the rocks of the sea cliffs. Glass walls with glowing jellyfish are lighting up the streets. Vendors everywhere. How is a city like this possible?" She breathed in awe. Nolan laughed.

"This is one of the first cities to exist post global warming disaster. The founders were around two thousand water manipulators that wanted to have a safe city for people with natural abilities to fall back on." Nolan excitedly explained.

"Out of curiosity, how old are you?" Jay asked in her politest voice. Nolan lifted his chin.

"I just turned ten." He said proudly.

"Oh. Sorry I threatened you. I had no idea at first if you were an adult, a young adult, or a kid. Oops." She definitely wouldn't have threatened to snap his neck if she knew he was just a little kid.

"It's ok. My sister and I fight a lot, so I'm used to it." He babbled on as they walked further and further into the city.

"Sister?" Iona asked, genuinely curious. He nodded.

"Yup. She's not really close to my age, in fact she is about your age. She's so annoying. Little miss special powers. Has to be one of the most gifted water manipulators in a while." Nolan crossed his arms. Finally, he stopped. Jay could sense many figures standing in a pattern.

"Prince Nolan." A deep voice boomed.

"Hi. Is mommy working? It's kind of important. Or is daddy available?" He gestured at Iona and Jay.

"I'm sorry- prince Nolan?" Iona interjected. Nolan's shoulders slumped.

"Most people recognize me, but I don't like to bring it up a lot. They treat me differently all because my mom is queen, and my dad the top general. That's how they met. Anyway, are they working?" He whined. The person that must have been a guard nodded.

"Your mother is at an important council meeting. She will be done in about half an hour or so. Why don't you and your guests go to the living room?" The guard suggested, leading them through a long, dark building. The walls were thick, and carefully carved. Twists and turns throughout the building were countless. Eventually they stopped in a large room.

"Tell her it's really really important." Nolan said, sitting down with his legs crossed. The guard nodded.

"I will. Be good for the other guards." With that, they left. For a good amount of time, the three sat in awkward silence. Of course they had bad enough luck to run into the prince of an underground ancient city. Or was it good luck? Before she could ask another question, another figure entered the room.

"Nolan? What are you doing? You can't just bring whoever you want inside." It was a teenage girl, who was around average height. Jay froze. There was something weird about her. The way the water around her seemed to... respect her. Acknowledge her presence.

"They're people from the outside world. They know all about the war, and what's going on. And she can manipulate water, even though she can't see it." Nolan pointed at Jay. Jay froze as the girl approached her.

"How is that possible?" She studied Jay for a long, awkward moment.

"Uh, hi. I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" Iona asked, not seeming apologetic at all. The girl smiled.

"I'm Amelie." Amelie smiled at Iona. Jay bit back laugher as she felt blood rush to Iona's cheeks.

"Nice to meet you. This is annoying blob, and I am Jay." Jay offered. Iona glared at her.

"Stop calling me that! My name is Iona. I'm sorry about this idiot." She shot Jay a look. She smiled innocently.

"Well, nice to meet you both. I have some questions for Jay. Is it true? You can't see water?" She asked, looking at Jay with general curiosity.

"I'm blind." She responded blankly.

"I know. I can see the damage coming from the water in your eyes. But you really can't see it? To water manipulators, we can see water's points of energy. That's how we control it. Even with our eyes shut." Amelie pointed out.

"What? Why hasn't my sister told me that? Nevermind. That's a story for a different day. I don't see anything except for pictures in my memory. I feel water. I can feel it." Jay waved her arms, gathering a ball of water. She let it float into the air in a small stream, rising upwards. Amelie gasped.

"You have the best control I've ever seen. And without trying. Can you teach me how to do that?" Amelie sounded excited. No one ever felt excited about something Jay could do before.

"Um, sure. You should see what Iona can do some time as well. She can taint her water." She tilted herself at Iona. Iona's face flushed again.

"That's really cool! I've only ever met water manipulators! Can you show me?" Amelie asked.

"Sure." Iona turned invisible, then reappeared a few seconds later.

"Wow! That was one of the coolest things I've ever seen! Normally, I'd yell at my crazy little brother for dragging random people to the castle, but that is cool! And you have information! Where is mom? She should see this! Dad too." Amelie looked over her shoulder. Nolan sighed.

"Mommy is in a meeting again. But Junco said she would be done soon." Nolan flinched away as Amelie ruffled his hair. Jay's head was spinning. See water? What on earth? And why was she the only one that felt water? 

The One Thousandth Gravity Breaker book two: The sound of waterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang