Chapter 7 : I need advice!

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Returning home Fluttershy was flustered. Why did she kiss him like that? Fluttershy was so confused.  She didn’t mean to kiss him like that, but at the same time she was so over whelmed with happiness that she couldn’t help it. He had given her such a lovely gift, had told her he has some kind of feelings for her, and had asked to be her special somepony. No one had ever asked her that. It made her heart flutter just thinking about it. But at the same time she didn’t really know how to truly feel about all this even though they’ve been together for a month now. She needed somepony to talk too. But who? She couldn’t tell her friends. Fluttershy  knew that they were the elements of harmony and if she told them then the princesses would know that he was gone. She couldn’t do that. But then who could she go too. She needed somepony that wouldn’t tell her secret. Then it came to her. Zecora! She didn’t live that far from her, and she didn’t talk to anypony that often, so maybe she could help her. With that thought in mind she turned and headed back out, putting Angel in charge while she’s gone.

Entering the forest once more she head in the direction of Zecora's tree home. Once she reached the house she hesitated before she could knock on the door. (Is this really a good idea?, should I tell her?) she thought to herself. But then again this maybe the best chance to sort out her true feelings and talk to someone she trusts besides her friends. Taking a deep breath she knocked. “Who could that be, knocking at my tree” Fluttershy heard from behind the door. It wasn’t long before the door opened showing a zebra with a light heliotropeish gray and bluish gray striped coat, light gray and dark persian bluish gray mane and strong cyan eyes. “ Fluttershy, to what do I owe this wonderful surprise. “ I-um” was all Fluttershy could get her mouth to say. Zecore frowned slightly before looking closer at Fluttershy confused, worried, and pleading expression. Stepping out of the doorway Zecore gestured for her to come in side. “My door is open my friend, please come in” she said. Taking a breath Fluttershy gave a small nod then walked inside. Once inside Zecore sat down at her table. “Won’t you come rest your feet, you look very beat, here take a seat” Zecora said motioning to the seat across from her.  Walking over Fluttershy took the seat and try to think of ways to start. “Your expression  looks quite bleak, there are answers that you seek” Zecora asked. “I umm-“ Fluttershy started again but faltered once more.  Getting up from the table Zecore went to start brewing some herbal tea to help her calm down and to give her time to collect her thoughts. Once done Zecora passed her a cup of tea. “calm your fear, speak the truth, we are the only ones here” Zecora said taking a sip of her tea. Taking a deep breath in Fluttershy calmed herself. “Okay” Fluttershy said taking another breath. “I-I need your advice” she said before taking a sip of her own drink. “I umm – I met somepony and and I don't know how to feel about him” she said. “At first I was afraid and confused, then he- he help me find Angel, helped us home” she explained. “I gave him a thank you gift and he offered to teach me to fly better, I was shocked” Fluttershy told her. Zecora gave a nod before asking “What do you feel, when ever he is near” she asked. “When I’m with him I feel so happy, even more then I do with my friends”  Fluttershy told her, a small smile making it's way onto her face. “He asked me to be his special somepony” she explained. “He took me on a date and gave me this necklace and and I kissed him but-“ Fluttershy cut herself off cheeks flushing as she looked down at the cup in her hoofs. “Tell me dear, who is the love you hold so dear” Zecora asked placing a comforting hoof on Fluttershy's own. Fluttershy gave her a worried and fearful look at the question. Seeing the look Zecore smiled at her reassuringly. “ speak your truth without fear, there is no judgement here.

It took Fluttershy a moment before she told Zecora everything. From her first meeting Discord in the Everfree forest on her search for Angel, how he told her he was the spirit of disharmony, how he'd helped her find Angel and guided them home, the days he spent teaching her, how close they'd gotten, how even though his the spirit of disharmony he was so kind to her and trusted that she won't tell the princesses about him. And finally how he told her about his feelings. As Zecora listened to her story she couldn’t help but smile at the mare in front of her. (Ah, young love) she thought to herself. Waiting till Fluttershy was done to speak. “It seems the answers that you seek, are closer then you'd like to think” Zecora told her. “what?” Fluttershy asked confused.  “I can hear it in the way you speak, the true love your lips dare not speak ” Zecora answered. That made Fluttershy stop and think. (Was- was she falling in love with Discord) she thought meeting Zecora's eyes. Zecora reached over and took the now empty cup from Fluttershy and looked into it and smiled. “The future ahead, is filled with change, confusion and dread, but a great light I see, a perfect match you too shall be” Zecora said looking back up at Fluttershy. Honestly Fluttershy was still confused but she now had a lot to think about. After thanking Zecora for her help she left to head home before it got any later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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