Chapter 1 : The first encounter

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It was a sunny evening as Fluttershy tended to her animals. “Here you are angel. A nice juicy carrot.” She said softly to the little white rabbit. Fluttershy gave a sweet smile as she watched him devour the carrot quickly. “HEY FLUTTERSHY!” yelled three young voices from behind her.

Fluttershy let out a tiny shriek as she quickly turned around seeing Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom behind her. She gave a sigh of relief. “Oh girls its just you.” She said with a hoof over her heart. “Sorry we scared y’all fluttershy.” Applebloom said apologetically as she and the other cutie mark Crusaders rub the back of their heads shyly. “Oh its okay girls I know you didn’t mean too.” Fluttershy answered giving them a kind smile.
“Anyway. We were wondering if you could teach us how to sing” Scootaloo said eagerly. “Oh umm you went me to t-teach you how to s-sing.” Fluttershy question unsure. “yeah, you’re the best singer we know fluttershy.” Sweetie Belle said happily. “Yeah, with you teaching us we’re bound to get our cutie marks.” Applebloom said proudly. “umm well…I” fluttershy answered not really sure what she should do. “ Oh please fluttershy!” they begged with big pleading eyes.

After 2 minutes fluttershy's will crumbled. “Okay girls I’ll help you.” Fluttershy sighed softly. “YAY!!” the girls yell jumping all around cheering. Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle at their excitement. “okay, okay are you girls ready.” She called sweetly to them. “YES” they yelled lining up quickly. “ Alrighty girls repeat after me lalalalala.” Fluttershy song beautifully causing many of her animals to stop what they were doing and listen. The girls took a deep breath and started to sing. “ Lalalalalaa” they sing together and loudly scaring away some of the animals and making Angel cover his ears. “girls, umm maybe try again but this time maybe a little more quietly” Fluttershy said gently. “Okay” they agreed. “lalalallaa” This time though Sweetie Belle’s voice hit a louder pitch scaring all the animals away.

The noise scaring angel so badly that he took off blindly into the Everfree forest. Fluttershy gasped. “ Oh no, Angel bunny come back.” Fluttershy yelled after him. But it was to late he had already disappeared into the forest. “oh no, fluttershy I’m so sorry” Sweetie Belle said to fluttershy with her head down in shame. “ No, no its okay Sweetie Belle I know you didn’t mean to do it.” Fluttershy said giving her a comforting hug. “ we can help you find him” Scootaloo said excitedly. “yeah maybe if we fined him we can get our cutie marks in critter trapping” Applebloom said ready to run into the forest. “NO, I-I mean it’s getting kind of late and I’m sure rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are looking for you girls” Fluttershy said quickly and stopped the girls from running into the forest. “aww but we want to help you find Angel” whined Applebloom. “yeah” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle agreed. “that's sweet of you girls, But I’m sure he couldn’t have gone far” fluttershy said. “okay, bye fluttershy” they said starting to head off back towards their homes talking about things they can do tomorrow to try to figure out their cutie marks. “Bye girls” fluttershy called before giving a sigh looking towards the forest.  Gulping she started towards the tree line. Putting on her bravest face she headed into the Everfree forest on shaky legs.

“Angel bunny” fluttershy called as she made her way deeper into the Everfree forest. “oh angel where are you” she said worriedly. She shuttered as a branch snapped. “Angel” she called getting further into the forest and more nervous by the second.

After 2 hours of searching fluttershy was really starting to worry now. “oh, where could he be” she said looking around. After walking for a few more minutes she let out a sigh, then looked up to see the sun was setting. “ its getting so late” she said. “maybe if I can get up a little higher I’ll be able to see him”. Opening her wings she flew up as high as she could go before a very strong gust of wind blew her around and off course.

When she finely righted herself, she made the mistake of looking down. She was at least 25 feet off the ground and still not even half way up the trees around her. The minute her eyes saw the ground, her whole body froze in fear. Including her wings. Fluttershy let out a loud shriek as she fell towards the ground. Luckily she landed in a bush. “ow” she said rubbing her head.
Once the pain passed, she looked around and realize she had no idea where she was. “Oh no, where am I” fluttershy said frantically. She looked for anything familiar to her to tell her where she was or how to get back to the path she was on. But there was none. There was nothing she could do. The trees are to tall to fly over with such strong winds. (Oh no I’m lost in the Everfree forest) fluttershy thought in terror. Even though she was terrified. She wasn’t going to leave until she found Angel. On shaky legs fluttershy made her way down an unknown path. As she walked further the darker it seemed to get.

After an hour or so had passed and to fluttershy's fear it was to dark to keep searching. With a sigh she knew she had no choice but to fined a place to rest for the night. She walked for an hour before coming to a clearing. It was a modest size clearing with a cave on one far side. Slowly she made her way over to it and went inside.

The cave was very dark, but thanks to it being a full moon she could see most of the cave. As fluttershy made her way deeper into the cave she started to feel like she was being watched. As she looked around more frantically she caught eyes staring at her from the back of the pitch black cave. Her eyes widened as she starred back at them. The eyes were completely yellow with bright red irises and they were narrowed at her. Fluttershy's whole body begin to shutter violently with fear. “H-Hello” she called shakily as she took a shaky step back. “Hmm, I didn’t think any pony would travel this far into the Everfree forest”. A voice spoke sending a shiver through Fluttershy’s body. Slowly the figure began to make it's way out of the shadows of the cave. Fluttershy’s eyes widened in shock at what she saw.

This creature was something she had never seen before. It had a serpent like body. It's right arm was that of a lion. It's left an eagle claw. It's right leg a lizard and it’s left a goat leg. On it's back was a bat wing and Pegasus wing. It also had a pony head with one deer antler on the right and one goat horn on the left and a snake tail. Fluttershy was frozen to the spot all she could do was stare.
After a while it seemed as though the creature was fed up and spoke. “You know, it's rude to stare at somepony like that” it said moving closer to her. Her body trembled as she took more steps back. “I-I” she shuttered out as her body began to sway. Then she fainted, but before her body could hit the floor a snap was heard and a pillow appeared to break her fall. “Hmm, interesting” it said eyeing the now unconscious pony.

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