Chapter 6 : first date? And a kiss!

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Waking up that morning Discord was excited for his date with fluttershy. (It was a date right?) he thought. He had never been  on one before, but from what he had observed from other ponies  the years before his imprisonment was that, first you ask the pony to be your special somepony then you take them out on a picnic or out to dinner. He couldn’t take Fluttershy to dinner without revealing himself to the princesses,  although the thought of the only reason for them to discover his disappearance is the fact he had a date with a pony was hilarious to him, but not just anypony but the element of kindness herself, one of the six ponies that would be sent to capture him. So a picnic it is. Now time to get ready, with a snap of his fingers he teleported from his cave to the nearby lake. With another snap a blanket with a basket on top of it appeared.

Fluttershy was nervous. She never had a special somepony before. With a sigh she finished feeding her animals and angel and decide to head out to her date with Discord. (It was a date right) she thought as she took off into the air, deciding to fly there. When she reached the clearing she checked the cave first to see if Discord was in there. When she didn’t see him she went to check the lake next. She wasn’t surprised to see Discord there, but she was surprised to see a picnic lade out in front of him. “Hello my dear, would you like to join me” he said gesture towards the food on the blanket. With a small blush she made her way over to sit besides him.

Looking at the food she saw what looked like apple cider, apples, a carrot cake and chocolate milk. As they ate they chatted about their day so far first. Both to nervous to ask deeper questions . After awhile they both became comfortable, so Fluttershy decided to ask the question that had been on her mind for awhile now. “Umm, Discord” she called catching his attention before he could take a sip of his chocolate milk he conjured. “I- why did you want me to be you're special somepony” she asked not meeting his eyes. Discord was silent for a moment, thinking about his answer. “Honestly you're the first pony I've ever felt this way about” he answered blushing. “And you're the loveliest pony I’ve ever seen” he answered honestly. Fluttershy could not stop the blush from rising on her face at that. (He really feels that way about me) she thought.

She had to admit that what she felt for Discord was different then what she felt for her friends. It was stronger. Much stronger. “I think-” she started shyly. “I think I feel the same” she said reaching out to take his paw into one of her hoofs and made him smile at her. The rest of their date was full of laughter, cloud watching, flying and telling each other stories. When evening rolled around Fluttershy was surprised that she didn’t even notice the time passing by.

They spent  a few more hours together before Fluttershy had to go home for the day. And to her surprise Discord walked her to her door again. “I had a nice time, thank you Discord” she said giving him a bright smile that he couldn’t help but return. “You're welcome my dear” he said, taking her hoof and placing a kiss on it like last time. With that Discord turned and headed back into the Everfree forest leaving behind a happily blushing and smiling Fluttershy.

A month had past since Discord and Fluttershy had started dating and honestly they couldn’t be happier. They would spend ever day together when Fluttershy was not with her friends or taking care of the animals. And sometimes Discord would help her, though the animals were still a little afraid of him and Angel was not happy that he had to share his owners time. Even her friends had noticed how happy she had been lately and how they barely saw her anymore.

Today she and Discord we’re going on an evening flying session even though she had become an expert at flying. She was no longer afraid of heights, she could fly much faster than before and the stronger winds in the forest no longer bothered her to fly in. Opening the front door she saw a bouquet of flowers on her doorstep and smiled. Ever since they had started dating Discord would leave flowers on her doorstep for her to find. Picking up the flowers she gave them a sniff. They smelled great, with a smile she placed them in a vase of water and admired them before leaving to meet Discord.

Discord's life couldn’t get any better. He was dating a very lovely Mare and having someone like her around made his days so much better. Heck he hadn’t even caused any trouble lately to make him feel happy. Fluttershy was all he needed. She was so kind and caring, always laughing at his jokes and putting up with his pranks even laughing at some. This past month for him had been magical and today he had gotten Fluttershy something he'd hope she'd love. He didn’t have to wait long either as he saw her making her way out of the forest at the edge of the clearing. He was still amazed at how fast she had learned the path to his clearing the very day they had met and how now she visited him almost everyday.

When she finally reached him he wasted no time in scooping her up into a hug. Which made Fluttershy giggle and kiss him on his cheek. Discord smiled “Hello my dear, how was you're day” he asked still holding her to him. “It was fine, but Angel got a tummy ache from eating to many carrots, but he was fine and napping when I left” she answered him happily as he finally put her down on the ground. “And yours” she asked. “It was well, but besides that I have something for you” he said giving her his best smile. “ really, what is it” she asked excitedly. With the snap a box appeared in his claw. Fluttershy was still in awe of his magic. “What is it?” she questioned. With a loving smile Discord open the box to reveal a beautiful necklace with a pendant shaped like her cutie mark. The pendant was a butterfly with light pink rubies in the wings and outlined in gold in the shape of butterfly wings and attached to a silver chain. It was beautiful. Taking it out of the box Discord gestured to an awe struck Fluttershy to turn around so he could put it on her. Once on it fit her perfectly. Without even thinking twice she turn around and to Discord's shock she kissed him on the lips. Then with a start she pulled away. “I-I” she stutter her face flushed before turning  and rushing off.

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