Chapter 3 : thank you and thoughts

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The next day Fluttershy woke up and set her plans into action. Heading into the kitchen she started to prepare Discord's gift. She didn't really know what he'd like to eat so she decided to make him Chocolate cupcakes with cotton candy frosting. As she waited for them to be done she went to feed her animals their breakfast. First she gave the birds their seeds, She sprinkled it on the ground for them to swoop down and eat. Next was feeding the bunnies, squirrels and mice some vegetables, nuts and acorns. And lastly was the chickens and Angel. After feeding them all she went back inside to check on the cupcakes. Once sure that the cupcakes were done and cooled she spread the cotton candy frosting on them. After finishing them she placed them into a box and put the box in her saddle bag. Saying goodbye to a napping Angel she headed off into the Everfree forest to find Discord again. Luckily she remembers most of the path she traveled with Discord the other day minus a few mistakes here and there. It was a few hours later that she was able to find the clearing with the cave on the far side. Cautiously she made her way closer to the cave. Once she reached the mouth she called a quiet "Hello".

Discord was just relaxing in his cave reflecting on the events of the day before. He did actually help somepony and not just anypony, one of the Elements of harmony. She was even grateful for his help, thanked him. Discord was so confused. At first she was terrified of him, which he had expected. She even passed out for Celestia's sake. But when she woke backup Discord could see that while she was still afraid of him she was also curious too. No pony had ever shown an interest in him before. Fear yes, but never curiosity. Discord stroked his beard in thought ( What a strange mare, she seemed more concerned with finding her pet than the spirit of chaos standing right in front of her ) he thought. He couldn't help but wonder if she would alert the princesses of his absence. He guests that only time would tell. Discord was brought out of his thoughts by a soft yet familiar voice. Sitting up from his levitating cotton candy cloud he wondered what she was doing back. He decided to get off of his comfortable candy Cloud to see what she wanted with him. When he exited the cave he saw her standing there timidly. "Yes" he asked looking down at her and raising a questioning brow. "I-" she said shakily before Gathering up a little bit of Courage. Reaching inside her saddle bag she pulled out the box of cupcakes and handed it to him. Discord eyes narrowed before taking the box. Opening it he was surprised to see cupcakes. "I made these for you as a thank you for helping me find Angel the other day" she said shyly. In the box were brown cupcakes with pink frosting on top. "I didn't know what you'd like so I made some chocolate cupcakes with cotton candy frosting" she said giving him a small kind smile. He was shocked, she was giving him a gift and not only that but also thanking him again. "I uh-" he sputtered out. ( BUT HOW-, MY FAVORITE-, HOW DID SHE KNOW!, WHAT THE HECK! ) He thought eyes widening. " Thank you Fluttershy" he said still shocked. Fluttershy smiled a little bit more at him for remembering her name. Reaching down he grabbed one in his paw and brought it up to his mouth letting his long snake tongue wrap around it and pull it into his mouth to be eaten. Fluttershy was only a little shocked at the snake tongue, to her own surprise. After finishing a couple he saw that she was still there. "So, what else do you need, lost again" he asked her, his eyes meeting hers. "I um- I have some questions I wanted t-to ask you, but y-you don't h-have to answer them I-if you don't want too" she said voice getting smaller as she went. This was a first for Discord. Not only did this Pony give him a gift, but wanted to actually ask him questions. "Hmm, sure why not, what are your questions" he asked back. Fluttershy smiled again before asking her first question. "Um I-I found an old history book in the library i-it said that you were turn to stone, s-so how did you get free" she asked. "Yes I was, but with all the chaotic nature in the air I was able to absorb it and break free from my stone prison" he answered. "How can you use Magic, you're not a unicorn" she asked as she sat down on the ground, waiting to hear his next answer. Placing a paw under his chin he thought about how to explain that. "I am a creature born of Chaos therefore I am able to absorb the chaotic nature around me and use it to power myself". "D-do the princesses know that you're gone" she asked curiously. "Not likely, not like they came to visit me very often anyways" he said with a frown of annoyance and a roll of his eyes. "Any more questions" he questioned her as he levitated himself into the air to lean back and relax. "O-oh yes, why are you in the Everfree forest, aren't you worried that the princesses will find you, Ponyvill is close to Canterlot after all" she said worried. "Even though it's close to Canterlot the princesses won't be able to detect me for a while due to the high concentration of magical creatures" he told her closing his eyes to relaxing more. He had to admit it was nice talking to somepony. As he lounged in the air Fluttershy thinks about his answers. After a few moments of Silence she decide to ask him a few more questions before heading back home.

When she reached her house she notice that it was late afternoon. With a gasp she remembered that her and the girls had scheduled and appointment at the Day Spa. With a small squeak of panic she rushed off to meet with her friends. When she arrived she saw that her friends were waiting outside the building for her to get there. The first one to spot her was Pinkie pie. Who jumped in the air in excitement. "Fluttershy you're here" she cheered happily as she ran to hug her. "You're awfully late darling is everything okay" Rarity asked from her spot with the others. " Darn it now I have to go in there" said Rainbow Dash disappointedly. "It ain't that bad Rainbow, one hooficure ain't gon' kill ya" Apple Jack said rolling her eyes at her friend. "Is everything okay Fluttershy" Twilight asked as Fluttershy made her way over to her and their other friends. "N-no it just took a little longer to feed the animals is all" Fluttershy answered. She didn't like lying to her friends but she couldn't tell them about Discord. One they would freak out and she didn't want that to happen. And she at least owed Discord her silence for helping her find Angel. "Now that that is settled we can enjoy the spa" Rarity quipped heading inside. Rainbow Dash groaned but followed with a bouncing Pinkie, smirking Apple Jack and a smiling Twilight following behind. With a sigh of relief she followed them too.

As the girls relaxed with Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy getting hooficures, Pinkie in the mineral pool swimming around and Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack getting massages and sharing light conversation. "So Fluttershy, Sweetie Belle told me that Angel had ran off, did you manage to find him" Rarity said examining one of her done hoofs in the light. "Oh yeah, the squirt told me about that" Rainbow Dash piped in. "Yea Apple Bloom told me the lil critter took off into the forest" Apple Jack said looking in her direction as she continued to get her massage. Pinkie let out a dramatic gasp "ANGEL IS MISSING, WE NEED TO START A BUNNY SEARCH PARTY" Pinkie yelled. "Um Pinkie" Fluttershy called. But Pinkie just continued. "Out in the forest all alone, cold, hungry, scared" Pinkie said throwing a arm over her eyes dramatically. Fluttershy sighed "Pinkie Angel is find, somepony helped me fined him before he went to deep into the forest" Fluttershy told her, even though that was not true. She didn't went to mention Discord to her friends since he was supposed to be turned to stone and in canterlot. "Oh" Pinkie said rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. The rest were just happy to hear that the bunny was okay. After that they carried on normal conversation with each other. Pinkie talked about the new recipes the cakes were making up, babysitting pumpkin and pound cake and up coming parties she was planning for. Rarity talked about her new fashion designs, her store and some of the latest gossip in Ponyville. Apple Jack talked about the harvest that year and sales. Rainbow Dash talked about the wonderbolts and the new Daring Do book out. Twilight talked about her studies, the new spells she discovered and spike latest antics. And Fluttershy talked about her animals. After their spa day they all went their separate ways and went home.

Entering her house Fluttershy called out to Angel. The bunny immediately hopped over to greet her. Smiling she hugged him before heading to her couch to sit down. Once comfortable she decided to talk to Angel about Discord. "Angel bunny, what do you think about Discord" she asked the rabbit. Angel just scrunched up his face and let out an angry squeaks in protest. "Angel!" she scolded. "Be nice, he did help me find you and help us get back home" she told him. Angel huffed and crossed his little arms pouting. Shaking her head she got up to go care for her animals before heading to bed. But not before deciding to visit Discord again.

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