Chapter 2 : who are you?

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The first thing Fluttershy heard was the sound of birds chirping. Slowly her cyan eyes began to flutter open. The first thing she realized was that it was morning an that she was laying on something soft. Looking down she notes she was lying on a light purple pillow. “what?” she said softly as she took in her surroundings she realized she was still in the cave from last night. With a gasp she remembered the events from the other night. “I see you've woken up” a voice called. Fluttershy frantically looked around trying to find the source of the voice until her eyes landed on the creature she had seen last night. Now with the light of celestia's sun she could see it more clearly.

It's head is amber yellowish gray, it's body a dark grayish reddish brown, a moderate amaranth tail with white fur at the tip and white eye brows and beard with very dark gray mane that went down it's long neck and also one long fang sticking out the right side of it's mouth. She could also tell now that by the sound of it’s voice that this creature was male. “W-what!?” Fluttershy stuttered, body starting to tremble. The creature raised one of his eye brows. “ your not going to faint again are you” he drawled. “Waiting  for you to wake up is rather boring” he said making his way over to her. She watched him get closer to her before stuttering out a reply. “W-what, who are you” she asked getting up from the pillow she had been lying on and backing away slightly. “Me” he said. His lips curving into a smirk. “I am Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony” he said giving a slight bow. “Sp- spirit of disharmony” she responded quietly. “Oh yes, and you are the Element of kindness” he remarked. “Wha- how do you know that” she asked shakily. “Oh, I know many things” he replied. “So what is a pony doing this deep in the Everfree forest” he asked bordley. “I umm” she said shakily before gasping. “Oh no Angel” she said looking towards the mouth of the cave. “Angel?” he questioned puzzled. “A-angel is my bunny, I have to find him” she said as she quickly made her way out of the cave to look for him. With a sigh and a still puzzled expression Discord slowly made his way out of the cave as well. He watched the pale light gold coated mare as she looked around the clearing before calling out her pet's name.

But before she could go running into the forest Discord thought for a second, then snapped his fingers and a brown bunny appeared in a flash of light. Fluttershy gasped and looked at the rabbit that suddenly appeared in front of her. “What, how did you do that” she asked amazed and Confused. “Magic of course” he said looking down at the scared looking bunny. “So, is this yours” he gestured at the small creature. “Um n-no” she said shaking her head. “Hmm, and what exactly dose this rabbit of yours look like” he asked her stroking his beard. “Oh umm, he's a white rabbit with a purplish pink nose” she responded. “Hmm” he hummed before snapping his fingers again. This time the flash of light surrounded the brown rabbit. It disappeared and was replaced with a small white rabbit. The flash had made Fluttershy close her eyes to block out the light. When she opened them she saw the little white bunny rabbit. “Is this him” he asked as he leaned back and crossed his legs and floated in the air. She looked at him only to see him floating. She noticed that he wasn’t using his wings to keep him in the air. ( Is he levitating? ) she thought to herself. Shaking her head slightly to clear it, she brought her attention back to the rabbit. “Umm no, Angel is an adult bunny, this one is a baby” she said as she walked over and pet the small bunny's head. Discord rubbed his chin in thought. After a few minutes he snapped his fingers. Again the rabbit disappeared and another rabbit appeared. This one looked around the clearing rubbing it's eyes. When it saw Fluttershy it let out a happy squeak before racing to her. “Angel” she cried happily and hugged the rabbit tightly. After awhile Fluttershy let him go. “Thank you” she said to Discord. Discord was shocked at her thanks  but nodded. “So now that you've found your pet I'm guessing you are leaving now” he stated still floating in the air. Looking up at him she replied. “I umm, don't know the way back”. “Hmm, you do have wings don't you, why not fly back” he said raising an eye brow at her. “I-I'm afraid of heights.” “And the wind blew me around yesterday so I don't really know were I am” she said lowering her head. “Afraid of heights?, but you’re a Pegasus” he said tilting his head confused. Fluttershy didn't answer just lowered her head a little more. “Fine, where do you live, I'll show you the way” he said with a sigh. Fluttershy was surprised before saying “On the edge of Ponyville near the Everfree forest”. He gave a nod before floating back to the ground and walk towards the tree line. Fluttershy followed him after placing Angel on her back. As they walked neither spoke. Fluttershy was trying to memorize her surroundings as best as she could as they walked . While Discord led the way through the trees. Soon things started to look more familiar to her. She started to take the lead when she noticed that they weren’t that far from her home. Before they could step out of the tree line Discord stopped. Fluttershy was puzzled at first as to why Discord had stopped. But then she realized he wouldn’t be going any further. “Thank you” she said as she made her way out of the forest. “Your welcome” he responded turning to leave. She walked a bit before realizing she'd never given Discord her name. “Wait” she called out. Discord stopped and turned to her. “I didn't give you my name, it's Fluttershy” she said giving him a small smile. He gave a small nod in reply before turning to leave again. Fluttershy stared for awhile before a tug at her pale light rose mane brought her attention back to the bunny on her back. “Oh sorry Angel, let’s go home” she said making her way to her cottage. When she arrived she was greeted by her animals. After saying hello to all of them before she went into her cottage to get Angel some food knowing the bunny must be hungry. She placed a couple carrots in a bowl then put it down for Angel to eat. As soon as she placed it on the ground Angel quickly attacked the food. She gave a small giggle at the sight.

Later that day Fluttershy was tending to her animals. When she realized she was running low on feed for them. “Oh dear, I'll have to go get more” she said turning to Angel. The rabbit squeaked in response. “Angel, your in charge while I'm gone shopping okay” she told him as she went to retrieve her saddle bag. Once she had it. She left her cottage to head into town. The first place she stop was the marketplace to get some fruits, vegetables and some animal feed. As she shopped she thought about the events of that morning. She had never met something like Discord before. What is he, how could he use magic without a horn and what did he mean his the spirit of disharmony. She had no idea what he meant. (Maybe I could find something at Twilight’s Library) she thought to herself and made her way towards Twilight’s house. When she arrived she knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. After a few minutes the door was opened. The person who opened the door was none other then spike. “Oh hey fluttershy what brings you here?” spike asked inviting her inside. “Oh, I jest came to look up somethings” she said making her way inside. “Oh do you need help finding things” he asked her. “Umm, that's okay spike I can find things alright on my own” she told him. “Okay, if you need me I'll be in the other room” he responded leaving. With a sigh of relief she went to go look around the shelves for the information she needed related to the spirit of disharmony. Soon she stumbled across a old history book. She decided to look through it to see if she could find anything. What she found shocked her. “W-what!?”.

In the history book it talked about the spirit of disharmony (Discord) taking over Equestria a thousand years ago, fighting the princesses and them using the Elements of harmony to turn him into stone and place him in the Canterlot gardens. ( But if he was turn to stone and placed in the gardens then why is he in the Everfree forest ) she thought to herself. After reading some more she also found out that he is a creature called a Draconequus a creature made up of a lot of others and that his magic could do almost anything. With a sigh she close the book and put it back on the Shelf. Now she had even more questions then answers. Why is he in the Everfree forest, how did he get free, did the princesses not know he was gone. Even though she was unsure, she still wanted to thank Discord for helping her find Angel. With that she turned from the shelf and started to make her way to the exit. After saying goodbye to spike Fluttershy made her way back home. Once home she greeted her animals before heading inside. Laying on the couch Fluttershy thought about what she could possibly give to Discord as a thank you for helping her find Angel. After a while an idea came to her. She could make him some sweets. She thought for a second about what things he might like. ( Maybe cookies or a cake or maybe some cupcakes ) she thought. After a few hours of thinking she decided to make him some cupcakes as a thank you gift for helping her. After that she headed off to tend to her animals. That night she made Angel a salad bowl before eating herself and heading off to bed for the night.

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