That inevitable day

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It should have been a normal day
Waking up was normal
Breakfast was normal
Heading straight to the Shopping District was normal
A server-wide meeting was not normal

The Admin, Xisuma, talked for a while
Nothing important said there
Not until...
He brought up the one thing that must be secret
The one thing I feared he knew

I then woke up
Drenched in sweat
Almost believing that dream was true

It was possible
So very possible
That day will inevitably come true

(84 words)
I am planning to write certain elements of the story like this, sprinkled in with my other writing type.
These sorts of chapters will not be very long, no more than 200 words.
Starting off the story like this is also a way for me to get back into writing.
The majority of the beginning will be written like this, but by the middle it will transition back to my other writing.

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