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I'm just in the mood to write-

My name
The name that I go by
The name I call my own

"Are you a Watcher?"
The secret
The secret that I am ment to keep
The secret nobody could ever know

My answer
The answer that is false
The only answer I could give
The answer I should have given all those years ago

The thing I hate the most

There was a room
Filled to the brim with darkness

An offer
That I first refused

A threat
That was long forgotten

My name
Which they shall never call me by again

That wasn't a dream
But it never happened
Even if it felt like it should

I am calm
I shouldn't be calm
But I am

I find myself asking why I had this dream
It felt so real

The question
The threat
That never happened


They never suspected

Who I might just be


If only I knew who asked that question

Who made that offer

Who gave that threat


If only I knew why

Why I had that dream

Why it felt so real


Why that should have happened

Why I felt so lost
Within my own mind

(205 words)
Ya know how I said that these things would never pass 200 words?
I take that back.
They will never pass 300 words.

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